May 2024, Holiscopes


It’s time to ground into the breakthroughs we experienced with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on April 20, and be open to transformation. Taurus energy dominates for most of the month — be present in the here and now, and enjoy all the pleasures that nature and the material world has to offer. It would be wise to check in with yourself and what truly matters to you. Life is going to speed up later in May, and distractions will proliferate like wildfire.

Pluto begins its Retrograde journey on the 2, where over the next 5 months, we will have the opportunity to see where we’re at personally and collectively in the process of rebirth. What needs to be uncovered? What needs to be transmuted?

The New Moon in Taurus arrives on the 8. It’s a great time to really get going on whatever new opportunity or breakthrough came to you on the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, and create a grounded, step by step plan. Mars and Pluto’s alignment offers powerful momentum, too.

On the 15, Mercury moves into Taurus, where our thoughts may become more practical and methodical. Take your time getting out what you need to.

Things begin to pick up as Gemini season begins on the 20. It’s time to communicate and to make connections with the world around us. Curiosity is a superpower.

Indulge a little bit on the 23’s Full Moon in Sagittarius. Celebrate the big-picture lessons you’ve learned, be generous in your support of others, and fix situations that could use some adjustments. The same day, Venus moves into Gemini, where we’ll crave communication, curiosity in our relationships, and want to meet new people.

The month’s big event lands on the 25 — Jupiter shifting into Gemini. The planet of luck and expansion is not in its favourite place here. As information proliferates, you could very well be inspired, but be mindful of too many ideas without a plan to make them happen, and general overstimulation. Discernment is key here.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Change continues to flow for you, Taurus. Allow yourself to be open to it and try not to cling to the way things “should be.” With Pluto Retrograde, reflect on how things have been changing in your professional life. Have you been allowing yourself to claim your power? On the New Moon in your sign, set intentions for how you’d like to evolve over the next 6 months. Mercury in your sign will have you able to speak your mind more freely. Once Gemini season rolls around, it’s time to get curious about your values. Your finances and material possessions get a boost with both Venus and Jupiter in Gemini, but be mindful of spending beyond your means or out of alignment with what you value. While the Full Moon in Sagittarius is quite lighthearted, it may be a time for you to release deep-seated emotions.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

There is a reemerging happening for you this month, Gemini. While Taurus season unfolds, you might still need some alone time. The New Moon in Taurus is an excellent time to be in nature, and perhaps pull some Tarot cards for guidance or just journal. If you want to recommit to meditation or some other form of mindfulness, Mercury in Taurus will help. Pluto Retrograde will show you how your greater beliefs about the world have been transforming. Once your season comes around, it’s time to get out there and do what you do best. Meet new people, find new memes to share with your friends, and vibe out. Jupiter in Gemini will make you feel like a luckier-than-usual person for the next year. Celebrate your close relationships on the Sagittarius Full Moon.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Taurus season is for appreciating all the groups you’re a part of and allowing yourself to dream big. Hold onto the momentum from the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and keep going. Spend time with friends and write down your dreams for the next 6 months together on the Taurus New Moon. When Mercury moves into Taurus, you’ll be able to stay focused on this. With Pluto Retrograde, you might feel compelled to contemplate deaths and endings, as well as reconsider any resources you share with others. Once Gemini season begins, your appetite for learning is voracious. Because you’ll also likely want to be in your own space, checking out past sessions on Ora Collective will be a great way to take in information. Jupiter in Gemini will be great for spiritual teachings specifically and subconscious healing. Celebrate how expansive your health and routines make you feel on the Sagittarius Full Moon.

Leo & Leo Rising

While your career is a big focus for the month, make time for exploring and learning about new things. Integrate whatever insights and opportunities came your way last month on the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. The New Moon in Taurus is a wonderful opportunity to begin to really put into motion some of that breakthrough energy you experienced. WIth Mercury in Taurus, make plans for your career, learn new skills that can benefit you professionally, and talk to those who can help you move forward. Pluto Retrograde will intensify and help you understand the transformations that have been occuring on the level of your close relationships. Once Gemini season comes around, reconnect with your community and plan for group activities, especially once Venus is in Gemini. On the Full Moon in Sagittarius, check in with your progress on a creative project and make time to express yourself. With Jupiter in Gemini, your idealism expands and you may find friends and those around you offer more support than usual.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Taurus season would be a wonderful time to travel somewhere and connect to nature, or to simply allow the nature already surrounding you to affirm your greater beliefs. The New Moon in Taurus can initiate new, expansive learning and Mercury in Taurus can help build your mental momentum. Pluto Retrograde will reveal to you how your daily life is transforming — is it shifting in a way that’s serving you? Once Gemini season begins, your career and public reputation becomes a priority. Is what you’re doing in line with what you want to be known for? Venus in Gemini can help you better connect to coworkers and those who want you to succeed, while Jupiter in the air sign will bring luck and expansion to this area of your life. Reconnect to your roots and spend the night cozy at home on the Sagittarius Full Moon.

Libra & Libra Rising

Taurus season will help you see what you can accomplish with the support of other people’s resources and nudges you towards deep healing. Don’t be afraid to share vulnerably and honestly. On the New Moon in Taurus, let your feelings lead you to the intentions you’ll set for the next six months. With Mercury in Taurus, reflect inward, and be truthful about where you’re at. Pluto in Aquarius has been restructuring many aspects of your self-expression, and during Retrograde you can see how intense this process has been. Gemini season is for indulging your curiosity and sense of adventure. Is there anywhere you’ve been itching to travel? Venus in Gemini will bring interesting people your way, while Jupiter in Gemini will present opportunities to go new places and will certainly expand your perspective on life. Make time for journaling or simply sorting out your thoughts on the Full Moon in Sagittarius.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Focus on your close relationships this Taurus season, Scorpio. Do you feel truly connected to the significant people in your life? Would you like anything to shift? Set intentions for these relationships on the New Moon in Taurus. Process your thoughts and have the conversations you need to while Mercury is in Taurus. With Pluto Retrograde, any transformations going on in your home and family may intensify. Let the changes that need to happen unfold without trying to control them. Once Gemini season comes around, parts of yourself that might be hidden will reveal themselves. Venus in Gemini will help deepen your relationships, while Jupiter in Gemini will help heal the depths of you. Treat yourself but don’t go overboard on the Sagittarius Full Moon.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Keep grounding into your everyday life, health, and routines this Taurus season. What practices have been calling to you? Make sure you’re integrating them. Mercury in Taurus will help you stay disciplined, while the New Moon provides an opportunity for a fresh start. Notice what you’ve uncovered in the depths of your mind during Pluto Retrograde. You haven’t been satisfied with the surface of things, and that’s okay. It’s correct for you to dig deeper. Once Gemini season comes around, the focus is on your 1:1 relationships. Do you truly know those close to you? Ask some juicy questions and really listen to the responses. On the Full Moon in your sign, have fun! If you have the opportunity to breathe some life into a party, do it. With Venus and Jupiter in Gemini, there’s a good chance you’ll meet someone new, or at least strengthen bonds with your loved ones.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Engage your senses and get inspired by your surroundings this Taurus season. It’s time to get creative and let yourself play. Start a new project or simply commit to having more fun and cultivating more pleasure in your life on the New Moon in Taurus. Games and puzzles or simply expressing yourself more than usual are a great use of Mercury in Taurus. Pluto Retrograde helps reveal what you’ve uncovered when it comes to your personal values and finances. Be honest with where you’re at and be kind to yourself if there are difficult adjustments to be made. Once Gemini season arrives, make time to learn new things that can improve your health and wellness. The Ora app is a great place to start. On the Full Moon in Sagittarius, you may be craving alone time. If you want to be around others, do something that feels spiritual or adventurous. You may want to have some practical conversations in your relationships with Venus in Gemini. Jupiter in Gemini will be a great support on your health journey and helps you with day-to-day work.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Ground into home and family, Aquarius. You might feel more comfortable being out and about, but focusing on your domestic affairs now will allow you to root into the rest of the year. Take whatever breakthrough you had during last month’s Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and set intentions accordingly on the Taurus New Moon. Mercury in Taurus will help you maintain momentum. With Pluto Retrograde, any tendencies you have towards control may get more intense. Investigate this so you can transmute it. In Gemini season, focus on your creative output, no matter how small or grand. Let whatever wants to be expressed be released, and make time to have fun without an agenda. The Sagittarius Full Moon would be great for an adventurous excursion with a group. With Venus in Gemini, there is the potential for great romance and flirtation. Jupiter in Gemini will continue to support your creativity.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Taurus season wants you to get the most out of your immediate surroundings, Pisces. Indulge your senses on a walk, or with a cozy beverage at a local cafe. Let the New Moon in Taurus remind you of the new insights you received on the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, and move forward accordingly. Mercury in Taurus will help you stay committed to a new mindset. Pluto Retrograde puts the emphasis on the regeneration occuring for you on a subconscious level. Pay extra attention to your dreams. Gemini season is all about home and family. Catch up with your loved ones and perhaps change things around in your living space, especially once Venus moves into Gemini. This entire area of life is primed for expansion and blessings with Jupiter in Gemini. On the Full Moon in Sagittarius, celebrate how far you’ve come in your career.

Aries & Aries Rising

With Mars still in your sign, you’re incredibly driven to make things happen for yourself. Your areas of focus this Taurus season are your finances, values, and self-worth. Channel your energy here, especially from the New Moon in Taurus onwards. Mercury in Taurus will help you stay focused and implement any plans to work on this area of life. Throughout Pluto Retrograde, observe how your relationship to community has transformed. Compared to last year, are you spending your time with different people, in different friend groups? Things speed up in Gemini season as you get curious about what’s going on around you. There are opportunities for enlightening conversations with neighbours, especially with Venus in Gemini. You may feel more supported by your extended family, and have opportunities for learning new things without having to go far thanks to Jupiter in Gemini. The Full Moon in Sagittarius may have you itching to travel. No matter what you do, reflect on what you have faith in.


June 2024, Holiscopes


April 2024, Holiscopes