June 2024, Holiscopes


June is a time of transition and reality checks. Saturn asks, “how are things really going?” especially once it stations Retrograde on the 29. This month, we’ll also have Mercury and Venus Cazimi, potent moments for inspiration, communication, connection, and beauty.

Gemini season continues to zip by, highlighted by Jupiter’s recent move into the air sign. On the 3, Mercury moves into one of its homes of Gemini, boosting our cognition, and giving us lots of ideas. Continue to follow your curiosity and make connections. Venus Cazimi on the 4 amplifies all things love, relationships, and beauty. The New Moon in Gemini arrives on the 6. Get clearer on a few things you’d like to focus on for the next six months.

Mars in Taurus arrives on the 9, grounding its energy and urging us to focus on practical, methodical actions. While we’re still in the buzz of Gemini season, some facets of life might slow down.

A last effervescent Gemini season moment occurs on the 14’s Mercury Cazimi. Make time and space for receiving insights and downloads.

On the 17, both Venus and Mercury move into the sign of Cancer. Here, the way we relate and communicate takes on a more sensitive, emotional tone.

Shortly after, the Summer Solstice ushers in Cancer season on the 20. In this moon-ruled season, tend to your inner world, reflect on what’s unseen, and nurture yourself and others. On the 21, the Full Moon in Capricorn illuminates the sky, reminding us of what we’re responsible for and to embrace our external achievements.

Saturn begins its five month Retrograde journey in Pisces on the 29. Here, we are called to negotiate boundaries when it comes to creativity, spirituality, and our emotions.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

The first half of the month is your time to shine, Gemini! With lucky Jupiter already in your sign, Mercury joins the party too. You’ll be able to clearly think about and communicate what’s important to you. Note that there could be something in your career or public reputation that feels confusing or like a block. Check in with yourself and see where you need to make adjustments. Venus Cazimi is a wonderful day to put yourself out there, and Mercury Cazimi can provide insights about who you fundamentally are. Set intentions for personal improvement on the New Moon in your sign. Mars in Taurus might make you feel a little uneasy. The medicine here is to become conscious of your self-defeating behaviours, address them, and give back to others. With Venus and Mercury in Cancer, some of your focus shifts to your self-worth, values and finances, and come Cancer season, this notice how your emotions and sensitivity relate to this area of life. Release emotions deep within you on the Full Moon in Capricorn. Notice how you’ve been maturing and growing when it comes to your career throughout Saturn Retrograde.

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

As your season approaches, Cancer, take the time you need to recharge. If you feel a strong pull to connect, see how you can give back to those around you. With everything happening in Gemini, there is great potential for spiritual expansion, to connect with people and ideas that show you different facets of the world and what’s beyond it. It’s likely your greater beliefs will be challenged or unclear this month, and during Saturn Retrograde, there will be a revisiting and solidifying of your boundaries here. Consider a spiritual ritual on the New Moon in Gemini. With Mars in Taurus, you’ll likely be drawn towards groups as well as your own higher aspirations. Come out of your shell once Venus and Mercury move into your sign, and allow your warmth to spread once Cancer season begins. Celebrate your appreciation of the solid people in your life on the Full Moon in Capricorn. 

Leo & Leo Rising

Continue connecting to your community and trying new things this Gemini season. Are there projects you want to work on with others? Dreams you want to move towards? The New Moon in Gemini is a great opportunity to set intentions related to these. Magical moments with others and brilliant insights are very much possible with both Venus and Mercury Cazimi. Notice though, if there’s any friction between the resources you share with others and connecting with groups in general. Saturn Retrograde may show you where you need to cultivate better boundaries here. With Mars in Taurus, your drive towards your own career and ambition is also reactivated, so perhaps certain collaborations are meant to be work-related at this time. Once Cancer energy comes in, you may feel pulled in the direction of your emotions and inner world. Tend to it and give it the space it needs. Check in with your health and daily work on the Full Moon in Capricorn.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Your career and ambitions come into focus this Gemini season, Virgo. How has this been unfolding for you? There are plenty of opportunities to make new connections and receive inspiration and ideas with both Mercury and Venus Cazimi. Set intentions for the next 6 months when it comes to this area of life on the Gemini New Moon. Notice if there are any tensions or confusions between your public life and your more personal relationships. Once Mars moves into Taurus, there might be an urge to travel, or simply expand your horizons. Your focus shifts to friends, groups, and higher aspirations with Venus and Mercury in Cancer. In general, Cancer season is a wonderful time to nurture and be nurtured by your community. Check in with yourself when it comes to your creative discipline on the Full Moon in Capricorn. New boundaries may need to be negotiated in the various partnerships in your life with Saturn Retrograde.

Libra & Libra Rising

If you haven’t already sought out a new area of exploration, Libra, what are you waiting for? Your Gemini season is about letting your mind be blown by things you haven’t seen or considered before. There may be aspects of your daily life or routines that make you a little sceptical of broadening horizons, but don’t let this discourage you. Particularly during Mercury and Venus Cazimi, there is the potential for new ideas and connections. The New Moon in Gemini could be for embarking on a new learning journey or getting serious about planning a trip within the next 6 months. Mars in Taurus encourages transformation, but it may not happen as quickly as you’d expect. Once Cancer energy enters the chat, there’s an emphasis on your career. You have a good sense of what the public wants so trust it even if it seems odd or unexpected — focus on this during Cancer season. You may feel like simply staying home on the Full Moon in Capricorn. Saturn Retrograde asks you to take a look at any obstacles you’re experiencing when it comes to health or everyday life.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Indulge your curiosity when it comes to the mysteries of life and get better acquainted with different facets of yourself, Scorpio. There’s a lot of opportunity to more deeply understand yourself and others this Gemini season. Notice if there’s some resistance or confusion between your creativity and self-expression on one hand, and the deeper parts of you on the other. If you’re feeling a pull to explore something in a less superficial way, the New Moon in Gemini could be a great chance to get started. With Mars in Taurus, it’s time to confront your close relationships. Have you been compromising too much? Not enough? Venus and Mercury in Cancer might enhance your sensitivity. Lean into it throughout Cancer season and what it wants you to explore. The Full Moon in Capricorn is a great opportunity to write down your thoughts on your progress in the last 6 months. Saturn Retrograde may seem to create more creative obstacles, but they only present themselves to push you further.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

This Gemini season, it’s all about your close relationships and finding your own sense of balance and harmony. While it might be a busy time, take a pause to reflect on how this is going. With Mercury and Venus Cazimi, there is strong energy present that gives insights into how you’re relating, and may bring new connections to you. Also notice if there is any tension present between your domestic life and your close relationships. Set intentions for relationships and how you generally relate to others on the Gemini New Moon. Mars in Taurus will help you steadily get things done. Allow yourself to get in touch with your sensitive side with Venus and Mercury in Cancer, and especially as the season unfolds. Remember that you can’t master emotions if you never allow yourself to fully feel them. Celebrate what you value about yourself on the Capricorn Full Moon. Consider your obligations to family and whether or not they should be renegotiated during Saturn Retrograde.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Continue to focus on your health and all the facets that make up your everyday life. We all know you work hard, Capricorn, but are you taking good care of yourself? There’s the potential for great breakthroughs and perhaps a new person that supports you here with Mercury and Venus Cazimi. Notice though, if there are elements of your mindset that tell you it’s impossible to make positive changes. Whatever you’d like to move towards, set intentions accordingly on the Gemini New Moon. It’s difficult to not express yourself with Mars in Taurus, so make sure you don’t hold back and perhaps find a suitable creative outlet. Once Cancer season comes around, consider your close relationships. Do they truly meet your needs? Celebrate all that you’ve built for yourself on the Full Moon in your sign. As Saturn Retrograde unfolds, you might experience a restructuring of your perspective and how your mind operates day-to-day.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

To truly embrace this Gemini season requires your wholehearted commitment to expressing yourself exactly as you are. Mercury and Venus Cazimi can bring so much inspiration and beauty if you make space and time. Start or recommit to a creative project on the New Moon in Gemini. Don’t be discouraged if you’re thrown off by feelings of doubt or low self worth. Keep going! You might feel a strong pull to redecorate or improve things at home thanks to Mars in Taurus, which could be a great outlet for all your creative energy at the moment. With Venus and Mercury in Cancer, ensure you’ve been properly tending to yourself. Cancer season will also remind you that your intuition is always available, even in the most mundane moments. Face the parts of yourself you haven’t taken responsibility for on the Full Moon in Capricorn. Saturn Retrograde may test you when it comes to what you truly value.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Continue to focus on home and family this Gemini season, Pisces. If there have been difficulties, Venus and Mercury Cazimi could help things improve. Regardless of the strength of connection to your family, it’s a good time to make sure your physical environment reflects your current state of mind. If there are any changes you’d like to make, get started or set intentions on the Gemini New Moon. With Mars in Taurus, you may hold onto your beliefs more strongly than usual, but don’t feel you have to convince others. Use this energy to get cracking on something that requires great mental capacity. Tensions that could emerge this month are between who you are fundamentally and your ancestors and current family. Nurture your creativity this Cancer season and tune into your emotions to get inspired. Reflect on your progress when it comes to your higher aspirations and any group projects you’re involved in on the Capricorn Full Moon. Saturn Retrograde encourages you to focus on yourself and hone in on your personal growth.

Aries & Aries Rising

You can absorb so much from your immediate surroundings this Gemini season, Aries. With Mercury and Venus Cazimi, there will be plenty of new opportunities and connections right around the corner, quite literally. Set intentions to express yourself more clearly or get around to those books you’ve been meaning to read on the New Moon in Gemini. There may be tension present this month between things that are meant to end and your everyday life. To solve problems, don’t look beyond what you already have, whether physical or abstract, with Mars in Taurus. Once Cancer season comes around, you may feel compelled to stay home more often and connect more deeply to your family. However, on the Full Moon in Capricorn it’s time to embrace your professional achievements. Saturn Retrograde will make clear what chapters need to come to a close.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Gemini season is a great opportunity to learn more about your finances, and also what’s important to you. Check out the Ora Collective app’s amazing classes on money. It is likely you’ll get some new insights and perhaps fresh opportunities to change your financial situation with Mercury and Venus Cazimi. If there’s anything you want to change in this area of your life, set intentions on the Gemini New Moon. It might feel like people around you or groups you belong to are preventing you from achieving what you want, but you’ve got to stick to your own values. Mars in your sign will help you assert yourself and go for what matters to you. Once Cancer season comes around, you might feel closer to those in your neighbourhood. Be open to having nurturing interactions that are perhaps more vulnerable than usual. Check in with where you’re going in a broader sense on the Full Moon in Capricorn. Notice if there’s an extra burden of responsibility on you during Saturn Retrograde, and if it’s truly a burden or an occasion you know you can rise to.


July 2024, Holiscopes


May 2024, Holiscopes