April 2024, Holiscopes


There is big breakthrough energy present in April — we have a once-every-14-years cosmic event, the tail end of Eclipse season, and the bold passion of Aries season. Meanwhile, we have Mercury Retrograde in the sign of Aries for the majority of the month and some potential hiccups as Aries’ ruler Mars aligns to strict Saturn and dreamy Neptune.

Mercury Retrograde begins on the 1 and concludes on the 25. This is a great time to go inward and ask yourself — What does it mean to be me? How do I want to present myself to the world? How can I do things differently?

Venus shifts into Aries on the 5, bringing more initiating energy to our relationships. Perhaps you’re more emboldened to make the first move and focused on your own desires.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries lands on the 8. It could help illuminate some Mercury Retrograde insights, but generally is a moment to tap into your own courage and individuality. Anything that seems like a restriction is only there to move past to get closer to your Higher Self.

Taurus season begins on the 19, grounding us deeper into the present moment and all the sensual pleasures planet Earth has to offer. As this sign is ruled by Venus, make time for what you value and love.

A rare Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus electrifies the cosmos on the 21. The planets of lucky expansion and sudden change align to help push us forward into a new era.

The 23’s transformative Full Moon in Scorpio asks — what do you need to let go of in order to break through and break free? Venus in Taurus on the 29 encourages dependability and stability in our relationships, while Mars in Aries on the 30 is a great time to “just do it”.

Aries & Aries Rising

While you continue to enjoy your season, you still might want to take time out to yourself and also to give back to others. Bring consciousness to parts of you that might be hidden — particularly anger and resentment. As Mercury Retrograde unfolds in your sign, reflecting on these inner parts of yourself will be productive. Venus in Aries can help with any peace-making efforts with those around you, as long as you aren’t too hot-headed and can compromise. Be open to shifts in who you are fundamentally, and new beginnings on the Aries Solar Eclipse. Taurus season grounds you in all that you possess — expect big breakthroughs and new opportunities in the realm of your finances and sense of self-worth. The Scorpio Full Moon will illuminate your deep inner work. By the end of the month, you’ll feel a big boost once Mercury is Direct and Mars is in your sign.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

April brings big shifts and breakthroughs for you, Taurus. While change isn’t always your best friend, allow yourself to get more cozy with it this month. With Mercury Retrograde, peer into what’s going on with you beneath the surface and re-explore any weird subjects you may have abandoned. As Aries season unfolds, let yourself spend time alone, recharging before your season begins, especially once Venus moves into Aries. The Solar Eclipse will help direct you to any subconscious parts of you that need to be attended to. Only two days into Taurus season you can expect breakthrough energy. New parts of you want to emerge. The Full Moon in Scorpio helps you release any entanglements with others that aren’t serving you. Venus moving into your sign boosts all things pleasurable to you, and you can tap even more into your magnetic, receiving energy.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

With your ruling planet Mercury Retrograde for the majority of April, it’s an invitation to slow down, Gemini. Reflect on how you as an individual mesh with groups, and revisit dreams for yourself and humanity at large. Keep putting yourself out there and let yourself meet more people, especially as Venus moves into Aries. You will still be very much driven when it comes to your career until Mars moves into Aries at the end of the month. The Aries Solar Eclipse is a brilliant time to observe what you’re being led towards when it comes to contributing to something greater than yourself. With Taurus season, your big breakthroughs might be a little subtle but nevertheless powerful. There are shifts happening on the level of your subconscious and there is the potential to break out of patterns that have been holding you back. Don’t be afraid of a little extra alone time before your season to recalibrate. The Full Moon in Scorpio is a wonderful moment to celebrate the depth of your daily life, and how your health has progressed in the past six months.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Lean into your ambition this Aries season and let your community support you in your next big leap forward, Cancer. April is not a month to hide in your shell. Mercury Retrograde is a moment to reflect on what you want out of your career and what you want to be known for. Venus in Aries helps boost this area of your life and things should run smoothly. Allow the Solar Eclipse in Aries to illuminate how exactly you’re meant to step into your power. If you happen to have travel plans around the 10, there’s the potential for delays or setbacks. Once Taurus season rolls around, it’s time to ground into your community. Your breakthrough energy in April is likely not going to happen by isolating yourself, but rather being nudged into something thanks to those surrounding you. Check in with your progress on a creative project on the Full Moon in Scorpio, or at least have some fun. Mars’ move into Aries will add fuel to your motivation to achieve.

Leo & Leo Rising 

Aries season is a time for you to explore and expand, Leo. This doesn’t mean you have to do anything so out of the ordinary, but rather open your heart wider to different ways of being. If there’s anything you’ve been meaning to learn about but haven’t gotten around to it, dig into it during Mercury Retrograde. The Aries Solar Eclipse will also highlight what’s important to focus on. Venus in Aries might have you travelling, but be aware that things could get a little tricky if it’s during Mercury Retrograde. You could always have an expansive experience at an art gallery closer to home. Once Taurus season comes around, your career is highlighted, and there’s potential for a big leap forward thanks to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Because you’ll likely be very “out there” for most of April, take time to tend to your inner self on the Scorpio Full Moon. Venus in Taurus might usher in work opportunities, while Mars in Aries might boost your desire to travel.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

It’s time to get deep, Virgo. Be open to discovering more about yourself and life this Aries season. Give yourself plenty of extra time and space to move through life during Mercury Retrograde, and be sure you have an outlet to reflect on the innermost parts of yourself. In your closest relationship, certain things might come to the surface while Venus moves into Aries, yet there’s also the potential for greatly benefiting from their resources. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, even if you are so wonderfully self-sufficient. Let the Aries Solar Eclipse illuminate where you need to be more bold in asking for what you want. In Taurus season, let yourself ground into nature and learn more about the world’s bigger truths as a result. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction could have you all of a sudden preparing to travel somewhere or making big progress when it comes to higher education. Process deep feelings by journaling on the Scorpio Full Moon. Mars in Aries pushes forward soul-level transformation that’s already been unfolding.

Libra & Libra Rising

Aries season shines a light on your 1:1 relationships, Libra. Do you feel like you have to go to war for them? With Mercury Retrograde, pause and breath before you react. Venus in Aries will be a boost to these dynamics though, so a lot will be smoothed over. See what the Solar Eclipse reveals to you when it comes to the kind of relationships you actually desire. Once Taurus season comes around, it’s time to deepen your cooperation with those closest to you, perhaps pooling your resources together to create something greater than you both could have ever imagined. There’s potential for a breakthrough here — when it comes to benefitting from shared resources, or deeply integrating something about yourself. You’re likely to receive more cosmic assistance once Venus moves into Taurus. Tap into what you personally value on the Full Moon in Scorpio, and notice if it has shifted in the last six months. If you’ve been compromising too much in your relationships, Mars in Aries can help you claim what you need.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

This Aries season, particularly with Mercury Retrograde, is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on your health and daily life. What’s working and what needs to be refined? Begin to craft an action plan, and begin to implement it by the end of April when Mars is in Aries. Venus in Aries will help you and the Solar Eclipse will clarify what you need to focus on. Taurus season emphasizes your close relationships. How do you find stability and steadfastness in them? There’s a huge opportunity to breakthrough to a new level of relating with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction — whether with your partner or someone else who you’re incredibly close to. It could also bring you someone new and important out of the blue. Celebrate every part of yourself on the Full Moon in your sign.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

Are you fully expressing yourself, Sagittarius? Aries season is the time for it! Let a playful spirit be the starting point for your creativity. Venus in Aries will help enhance this within you.With Mercury Retrograde, you might be revisiting creative projects or looking back to things you used to do for fun. You will be led to a point of focus on the Solar Eclipse in Aries, and Mars in Aries at the end of April will help you follow through. Once Taurus season comes around, turn to discipline to keep you on track when it comes to your health and daily routines. There’s a breakthrough coming here. Perhaps a new way of moving through life will present itself to you, or it’s time to incorporate something new. Check out the Ora app for inspiration. The Full Moon in Scorpio can be spent in devotion to spiritual practice, and also has the potential to reveal unconscious beliefs or hidden parts of yourself. Venus in Taurus adds a sweetness to your work life, but be mindful of overindulging when it comes to food.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Aries season emphasizes all things home and family for you, Capricorn. During Mercury Retrograde, take your time reflecting on this part of your life. Venus in Aries can help ease any disagreements you have with family members or any impatience you have, as long as you are sure of what you want to say, due to Mercury Retrograde. The Solar Eclipse has the potential to reveal the direction your domestic life wants to take, and Mars in Aries later in the month gives you the drive to pursue it. As Taurus season begins, creativity and simply enjoying life should be your priority. Your breakthrough may come in these areas or with something having to do with children. Spend the Full Moon in Scorpio in a group setting and be reminded that you can never truly go at anything alone. Cultivate your creativity while Venus is in Taurus.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Are you feeling a flow of inspiration this Aries season, Aquarius? If the tap seems to have run dry, be mindful of how much outside information you’re taking in. Mercury Retrograde is a wonderful opportunity to work on your mindset and immerse yourself in whatever is piquing your interest. With Venus in Aries, you may meet new people in your neighbourhood and socialize more. The Solar Eclipse will reveal what’s important on the level of the ideas you’ve been generating and your immediate surroundings, and Mars in Aries later in the month drives you towards it. Taurus season highlights your domestic life. Things may change suddenly for the better when it comes to your home and family on the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. The Full Moon in Scorpio reveals the progress you’ve made in your career. You may still not be satisfied, but be proud of how far you’ve come. If you’ve been thinking of redecorating, or if things have been distant with family, Venus in Taurus will be beneficial.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

You can harness a lot of energy to move in the direction you want to this month, Pisces. If any obstacles come up, know that they are there to bring you to the next level. As Mercury Retrograde unfolds, you have the perfect opportunity to review your finances and your personal values. Venus in Aries will remind you what’s truly important, and the Solar Eclipse will nudge you in the right direction. At the end of April, Mars can help you take action in alignment with your values, but if you aren’t aware, it can lead to overspending. Taurus season will shift your focus to belonging. Do you feel like you belong to your immediate surroundings? If you’ve been stubborn and rigid in your thinking, there’s a potential for major breakthroughs with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. The Full Moon in Scorpio reveals the healing journey you’ve been going on, and might reignite a desire to travel. Things get more social for you once Venus shifts into Taurus.


May 2024, Holiscopes


March 2024, Holiscopes