May 2023, Holiscopes


While May is characterized by the stable, deliberate, grounded energy of Taurus, it is not without excitement or compelling shifts. In the midst of changes this month, remain unshakeable – especially with the endings of the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 5 – unless you know it’s time for something different.

The month begins with Pluto stationing Retrograde in Aquarius. For just over a month, until it moves back into Capricorn, we will begin to better understand the collective transformations that have been taking place since March. On the same day, Mercury Retrograde in Taurus meets up with the Sun. Be receptive to grounded insights on this day, the midway point in this Mercury Retrograde period.

The 5’s Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio closes a karmic chapter. What patterns, unhealthy obsessions, and entanglements have you released in the past year and a half? What needs to be cleared away?

Venus moves into the sign of Cancer on the 7, a period of emotional nourishment and softness in relationships, smoothly slotting into Taurus season. Channel your emotions into creative expression, and use your heightened perceptions of others’ vulnerabilities and core needs to support where you see fit.

Late on the 14, Mercury stations Direct in Taurus, easing up communications and slowly clearing away confusion. After its time in Aries, Jupiter moves into Taurus on the 16, bringing growth and increased belief in all things Taurus — the physical world, abundance, and self-worth.

The New Moon in Taurus arrives on the 19. What new things do we still wish to cultivate? Where can we be more present? Where can we sink deeper into our environment, into our values?

Mars, planet of action and drive, makes its way into Leo on the 20. There is a fiery passion to our action, increased work ethic, leadership and courage. As Leo rules the heart, ideally there's passion in what you wish to accomplish.

Finally, on May 21, Gemini season begins. With focus shifted to the intellect and exchange of ideas, one of the Four Agreements comes to mind — “Be impeccable with your word.” Indulge your curiosity and flexibility, get in touch with your immediate surroundings, and disseminate what you feel is important without compromising your values.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Blessed Solar Return, Taurus! First things first, have you treated yourself this season? See what insights come to you on the 1, and begin to put them into motion once Mercury stations Direct. Personal growth begins to unfold for you once Jupiter makes its way into your sign. Set your intentions for how you’d like to expand on the New Moon. Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius will highlight how you’re beginning to publicly claim your power. Venus in Cancer is an opportunity to become closer to those in your immediate surroundings. Mars in Leo channels your energy into your home sphere. Is it time to redecorate? Talk about your values and personal possessions and follow your curiosity in Gemini season.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Continue to ground and find the spiritual brilliance in simply being present. Spiritual growth is the name of the game once Jupiter moves into Taurus. On the 1, reflect on what’s shifted in your greater beliefs since March. Make time for some stream-of-consciousness writing. More will become clear once Mercury stations Direct. The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse is a moment to release any bad habits once and for all. Venus in Cancer can help attract abundance, especially when you’re honest about your feelings and vulnerable with others. Set intentions for positively expanding your subconscious on the Taurus New Moon. Life picks up speed with Mars in Leo. Let your mind and mouth run wild during your season.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

How have you been integrating into your community, Cancer? What values do they uphold, and are they congruent with yours? Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius initiates a review of soul-level transformation that has just begun. Process this with someone you trust on the 1. Channel your emotions into something fun and honour your inner child on the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse. Venus in your sign draws people to you. Mercury Direct will make it easier to communicate with your community. Jupiter in Taurus begins to reveal how you will grow amongst the collective. Set intentions for this on the New Moon. Mars in Leo could promote spending for the sake of being admired. Get spiritually curious during Gemini season.

Leo & Leo Rising

What have you been working towards, Leo? Be open to insights about your career on the 1. Ponder the transformation in your close relationships during Pluto Retrograde. Absolve yourself of any guilt when it comes to family patterns on the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse. Venus in Cancer helps you compassionately give back to those around you. Career growth is on the horizon during Jupiter in Taurus. Once Mercury stations Direct, re-align with what it is you want to accomplish. Set intentions for how things could practically unfold on the New Moon. Mars in your sign gives you a boost of energy and the capacity to do a lot. Gemini season will be an active, interesting time as you reconnect with your community.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

If you’re craving a trip somewhere inspiring, Taurus season is the time. Tune into Mercury’s wisdom on the 1 for more insights. In general, subconscious reprogramming such as hypnosis would be beneficial, especially with Mars in Leo. Reflect on changes in your health and body during Pluto Retrograde. Release unhelpful thought patterns and perspectives on the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse. Nurture your community during Venus in Cancer. Mercury Direct in Taurus may be the moment to put your travel plans in action. Jupiter in Taurus will expand your consciousness by teaching you the lessons you need to learn. Get clear on what knowledge you seek on the New Moon. Gemini season shifts your focus to career.

Libra & Libra Rising

What have you been discovering about your soul? How do you balance your own needs and values with others’? Interesting insights may come to you on the 1, and they will be ripe by the time Mercury stations Direct. Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius is a time to integrate what you’ve uncovered about your self-expression. Release any repressed energies and get rid of things you no longer need on the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse. You’ll benefit from other people’s resources and experience psychological growth during Jupiter in Taurus. Set intentions for how you might do this on the New Moon. You attract new career prospects thanks to Venus in Cancer. Channel your energy into group activities during Mars in Leo. Gemini season brings opportunities for study and exploration.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 

Taurus season highlights your 1 on 1 relationships. How are you reliable to others and vice versa? Grounded relationship insights may come on the 1. Pluto Retrograde highlights your inner self transformation. On the Lunar Eclipse in your sign, don’t be afraid to release anything that’s been building up recently. Let yourself be moved by art once Venus is in Cancer. Mercury Direct helps clear your communication with others, while Jupiter in Taurus helps you form new partnerships and expand current ones. Set intentions for the type of relationships you wish to cultivate on the New Moon. Mars in Leo adds some career motivation, while Gemini season is all about getting curious about your soul.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Taurus season invites you to take a grounded approach to your health and routine. Perhaps you could try a recipe or two on the Ora app? Journal about how you’d like to feel in your body on the 1, welcome in more clarity once Mercury stations Direct, and set intentions for moving towards the best version of daily life on the New Moon. Jupiter in Taurus promotes good health as long as everything’s in moderation. The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse helps release subconscious energies. Venus in Cancer adds a new layer of emotional intimacy to your relationships, while Mars in Leo urges you to creatively express or share your view of the world. Gemini season livens up conversation in your close relationships.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

May is a great time to prioritize yourself. In Taurus season, find new ways to have fun and express yourself. Take a moment on the 1 to see what comes to you. By Mercury Direct, you may have accumulated enough creative ideas to get going on one. The New Moon is a great time to start planning it out. Jupiter in Taurus helps you courageously expand into your true self. The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is a time to celebrate what you’ve achieved in the past year and a half, and if you’re in a social mood, have a chat with friends. Mars in Leo contributes to deep transformation under the surface. Check in with your gut health and plan a visit to your health care practitioner during Gemini season.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Don’t feel strange about staying at home more often this Taurus season. There is much to appreciate and to be present for. Observe how much you’ve personally transformed once Pluto stations Retrograde. Be open to insights about your family on the 1. An important conversation may take place around Mercury Direct. Jupiter in Taurus brings an upgrade to your family and domestic life. With increased awareness about past patterns on the New Moon, journal and set intentions accordingly. The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse closes a chapter in your professional life. Nurture your body while Venus is in Cancer. Clear the air with those closest to you once Mars is in Leo. Get inspired creatively throughout Gemini season.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Do you feel like you belong in your environment? What makes you feel connected to it? Be open to new communication and insights on the 1. Interact with your immediate surroundings once Mercury is Direct. Jupiter in Taurus helps methodically expand your plans for the future. The New Moon is a great time to begin a writing project that will slowly unfold. Pluto Retrograde emphasizes the beginning of your spiritual transformation. Do something out of the ordinary on the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse, but be mindful of heightened energies. Express yourself and have fun while Venus is in Cancer. Mars in Leo is a great time to get back into a movement routine, while Gemini season is for inner self-exploration.

Aries & Aries Rising

There is a great emphasis on your material world during Taurus season. Get insights about your values on the 1, get decisive about your finances once Mercury stations Direct, and prepare for a lot of growth in whatever you truly value. Set intentions for how you’d like to use your resources this year on the New Moon. Review your goals and hopes for the future during Pluto Retrograde. Try a cord-cutting meditation on the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse. You may crave extra time with close family members during Venus in Cancer. Mars in Leo requires a good physical outlet for your self expression. Explore your immediate surroundings and plan a short-distance trip during Gemini season.


June 2023, Holiscopes


April 2023, Holiscopes