June 2023, Holiscopes


We flitter through Gemini season as June begins, moving quickly as we embrace our curiosity, communication, and connections. The month opens up with a Full Moon in Sagittarius, exact on the 3 or 4 depending where you’re located. It is a time to confidently celebrate your truth and greater beliefs about the world, as well as the culmination of something that started 6 months ago. Give back to those around you and gain clarity on the actions that will move you forward on your path. 

Venus moves into the sign of Leo on the 5, bringing bold, generous playfulness and celebration in relationship. The planet of love and values will have an extended stay here thanks to Venus Retrograde beginning next month. With Mars also in the fixed fire sign, you may find it easier to go after what you want with good times abound thanks to Jupiter in Taurus’ alignment, but Pluto’s opposition could bring forth unhealthy obsessions and power struggles in your relations. 

Pluto Retrograde dips back into the sign of Capricorn on the 11. Integrate how you’ve transformed when it comes to the Capricorn-ruled house of your chart, and reflect on how different structures and authority figures have changed on a global scale. Anything that needs to be transformed once and for all will make itself apparent to you, especially by the end of July.

Mercury changes signs twice this month, to Gemini on the 11 and then to Cancer on the 27. At home in Gemini, our minds are quick moving, with increased chatter, new inspiration coming to the forefront, and the ability to connect the dots between ideas. In Cancer, we can find wisdom in feelings by speaking directly to vulnerabilities and channelling our emotions in healthy ways. 

Two planets join the Retrograde parade in June — Saturn and Neptune. Both currently in the sign of Pisces, Saturn makes its Retrograde station on the 17, urging us to navigate our emotional and spiritual boundaries, and intensifying the themes that have emerged since Saturn first moved into the water sign on March 7. Neptune Retrograde beginning on the 30 can help you understand the illusions in your life and let go of false beliefs in the Pisces area of your chart while amplifying themes of spirituality, intuition, dreams, illusion, addiction, fantasy, and longing. 

The New Moon in Gemini arrives the evening of the 17. Fittingly, it has dual promises of fun and deep, subconscious transformation. Set intentions related to the thoughts you wish to focus on and how you’d like to do things differently while making time for pure joy. 

The Summer Solstice arrives on June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere, symbolizing a transition to even more light and more yang energy. Cancer season also begins, a time to become more resilient through vulnerability, and to remain brave in initiating new ways of being.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

What insights have you gleaned throughout your Solar Return, Gemini? How have you been re-aligning to your own unique expression? Mercury in your sign will emphasize this and bring even more ideas. Celebrate the expansive relationships you have in your life on the Sagittarius Full Moon. Venus in Leo amps up your social life  in your immediate surroundings. Saturn and Neptune Retrograde attunes you to dreams and illusions in your career and solidifies new, long-term foundations. Set intentions for a new vision of yourself on the New Moon in your sign. Cancer season highlights your emotional relationship to personal values and finances. Mercury in Cancer helps you parse through it all.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

What have you been learning about spirituality, Cancer? It’s time to recharge and explore the intangible before your season. On the Full Moon in Sagittarius, release any limiting beliefs when it comes to health and routines. Venus in Leo highlights personal values, urging you to be wholehearted in their embrace. With Mercury in Gemini, you notice more insights about your unconscious drives. In Cancer, you express yourself more vulnerably. Let your spiritual consciousness expand but check in with what feels solid to you during Saturn and Neptune Retrograde. Quality solo time is in order on the Gemini New Moon. Your season is a time to focus on nurturing and celebrating yourself.

Leo & Leo Rising

How have you been connecting to your community? What have you learned from them? Mercury in Gemini will amplify all this. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a great time to shake out excess energy or channel it through play or creativity. Venus in your sign amplifies self-love and emboldens you to go after what you want. With Saturn and Neptune Retrograde, there is a focus on your soul and the values of others. Do any boundaries need to be drawn here? What deeper parts of you require exploration? Discuss the subconscious mind with others on the New Moon in Gemini. Cancer season is a time to feel into yourself and rest. Mercury’s move to Cancer is sure to bring more keys to what you need.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

What legacy do you want to leave behind? What steps can you take to get there? Mercury in Gemini allows you to think this through. Set intentions for your highest achievements on the New Moon in the mutable air sign. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is well-spent studying philosophy or religion at home. Let your heart lead the way to giving back to others during Venus in Leo. Saturn and Neptune Retrograde emphasizes your 1 on 1 relationships. Which are solid, and which are a product of fantasy? Cancer season will help you understand which communities are nurturing and supportive to you, especially once Mercury moves into the water sign.

Libra & Libra Rising

What has been piquing your interest, Libra? What subjects have you delved into? Mercury in Gemini helps expand your mind, while the New Moon is a great time to start a new course. The Full Moon in Sagittarius reveals the expansive corners of your immediate surroundings. Venus in Leo is a time to boldly express yourself in community. Saturn and Neptune Retrograde highlight your health, body, and daily routine. Where can you bring in more magic? How can your spiritual connection support your physical being? Cancer season initiates new levels of ambition within you. Focus on how you want to feel in your career, and listen to the insights Mercury in Cancer will bring.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Continue to explore what’s going on under the surface of you and allow patterns to reveal themselves. Check out the “Awakening our dormant intuitive intelligence” workshop on our app once Mercury is in Gemini, or even on the New Moon. The Full Moon in Sagittarius allows you to release any parts of yourself not in alignment with your Higher Self. Venus in Leo attracts new career opportunities and connections to you. Saturn and Neptune Retrograde emphasize romance and self-expression. Let your imagination run wild with some discipline in place to use this time well. Let your feelings lead you to broadened horizons during Cancer season. Learn more about emotions once Mercury is in the water sign.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

How are your 1 on 1 relationships? Are there new questions you can ask to learn more about those close to you? In contrast, take time to celebrate yourself on the Full Moon in your sign. Bold love and beauty expand your consciousness during Venus in Leo, and travel might be on the horizon. Schedule social time for Mercury in Gemini, and moments to feel into your soul during Mercury in Cancer. Saturn and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces emphasize and solidify your home and family life. Spend the New Moon in Gemini chatting with a loved one. Cancer season is a time to let your emotions lead the way to deeper truths within you.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

How do you define health, Capricorn? This Gemini season is asking you to explore this question. More insights may come once Mercury joins the Gemini party. The Full Moon in Sagittarius is best spent in ritual connecting you to something greater than yourself. Venus in Leo turns up the heat in your relationships, intensifying them. Saturn and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces spotlight your immediate surroundings and mental processes. How can you balance imagination and helpful habits? On the New Moon in Gemini, write out and repeat affirmations related to health and body. Cancer season is all about nurturing your close relationships, and Mercury in the water sign will help you speak more vulnerably.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

What have you been inspired to create? How have you allowed yourself to explore? Even more downloads are coming your way with Mercury in Gemini. Go to a group class or hang out with people that expand your horizons on the Full Moon in Sagittarius. Venus in Leo adds warmth to your close relationships. Share heartfelt compliments and don’t be shy about your need to be appreciated. Get inspired by others’ personal values and knowledge about money to solidify your own understanding during Saturn and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces. The New Moon in Gemini is a great time to begin a creative project. Mercury in Cancer will point you in the right direction of nurturing your body throughout Cancer season.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

You may have questions about your roots during Gemini season. Don’t be afraid to explore them, especially during Mercury in Gemini, and you can parse through all of this on the New Moon. Don’t be surprised if you want to stay home more than usual. Celebrate how you’ve expanded in your career on the Full Moon in Sagittarius. Venus in Leo warms you up to coworkers and can help smooth over any tensions. Saturn and Neptune Retrograde in your sign require self-reflection and a willingness to take more responsibility in your life. Create opportunities to channel your emotions into self-expression during Cancer season. Mercury in the water sign will be a great ally.

Aries & Aries Rising

How have you been interacting with the world directly in front of you? Have you met anyone new? Mercury in Gemini should bring some good neighbourhood chats. On the Full Moon in Sagittarius, celebrate the ways your worldview has expanded. Venus in Leo is a time to flirt, have fun, and be creative. Saturn and Neptune Retrograde in Pisces will solidify what you need to wrap up in order to move through the next cycle of your life and amplify spiritual insights. Focus on your mindset on the New Moon in Gemini. Does it require more flexibility? Nurture and be nurtured during Cancer season and let yourself retreat at home. Reflect on your family and roots once Mercury shifts to Cancer.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

In this new era of personal growth, take inventory of your own values and relationship to money. Where can you shift your mindset? Mercury in Gemini supports you here. The Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminates an intense exploration of your soul and what it yearns to experience. Venus in Leo brings peace to your home life and an ability to be heart-led in family dynamics. Saturn and Neptune Retrograde urges you to balance big dreams with solid plans, and to examine the communities you’re part of. Set intentions for abundance and adaptability on the New Moon. Cancer season is a time to feel into your immediate surroundings, and Mercury in Cancer promotes getting more vulnerable with casual acquaintances.


July 2023, Holiscopes


May 2023, Holiscopes