April 2023, Holiscopes


For the majority of April, the energy of Aries urges us to act, initiate, and be our full selves. We embrace the new without hesitation and move forward accordingly. Taurus energy continues to flow into our lives with Mercury moving into the earth sign on the 3. This grounded variety of communication and information processing is practical and determined, seeking to understand and exchange through the senses, find beauty in language and expression without getting stuck in certain perspectives or thoughts.

The Full Moon in Libra illuminates on the 5 into the 6 of April, a celebration of our close relationships and the beauty of life. It will also bring to light hidden forces within us and our relationship dynamics and is a wonderful opportunity for both emotional healing and creative expression.

Venus, planet of values and relations, moves into Gemini on the 11. This is a time to explore different perspectives and facets of relationships, move through them with wit and expressiveness, and find flexibility and interconnectedness. Soon after in the early hours of the 12, the Sun and Jupiter come together in the sign of Aries. Triumphant and bold, this configuration asks us to examine what growth we’ve experienced last May to October, and the end of December 2022 until now, when Jupiter has been in the fire sign.

The last gasp of major Aries energy comes through on a super charged Solar Eclipse on the 19 going into the 20. Picking up where last month’s New Moon in Aries left off with more intensity, this lunation provides a preview of the eclipses we will experience in the Aries-Libra axis. Later this year, all of the beginnings and endings in Taurus and Scorpio will come to a close, opening the portal for action in Aries and Libra. There is an increased feeling that we know where we’re going, with optimism and positivity to support it, and a dose of balanced pragmatism thanks to Saturn in Pisces. Time to boldly plan for the future you desire.

Taurus season begins on the 20, grounding us into Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. “The freshly plowed earth of springtime, ready for the seed,” is one apt description of the feminine and receptive energy Taurus represents. It’s time to settle and cultivate whatever land we’ve chosen, and find ways to use resources for practical purposes.

April winds down with Mercury Retrograde in the sign of Taurus the next day on the 21. Beginning with a conjunction to Uranus, this retrograde period is sure to feature disruptions of all sorts, but is also an opportunity to re-evaluate and review our resources, values, and practical applications of our knowledge.

Aries & Aries Rising

Happy Solar Return, Aries! Spend the rest of your season going after what you want and building self-confidence. Mercury moving into Taurus shifts your focus to your finances and values. Mercury Retrograde later in the month is a great time to review this area of life. Celebrate your close relationships on the Full Moon in Libra. Venus in Gemini emphasizes your friendships and encourages beauty in your immediate surroundings. Reflect on how you’ve grown over the past year and how you wish to continue on the Sun-Jupiter conjunction. The Solar Eclipse in your sign opens a portal to new personal beginnings for you. What are you being called to move towards? Taurus season urges you to use and share your resources, while grounding into the present.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

The actions you take this Aries season might seem subtle, Taurus, but are contributing to your spiritual growth. The 12’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction is an opportunity to check in with how you’ve expanded here. When Mercury moves into your sign, you express yourself clearly. Use Mercury Retrograde to reprogram any thoughts or beliefs about yourself that aren’t supportive. Celebrate what you love about daily life on the Libra Full Moon and be open to receiving abundance in different ways once Venus shifts to Gemini. Pay attention to your dreams on the Aries Solar Eclipse and notice what they illustrate about what you’re meant to move towards. Throughout Taurus season, ground into who you are and embrace the sensual pleasures of this world — your favourite foods, objects, and places.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

How are you letting your unique self shine in groups this Aries season, Gemini? As the Sun approaches Jupiter, reflect on how you’ve grown amongst the collective. Mercury in Taurus is conducive to researching aesthetics or whatever else you find interesting, while Mercury Retrograde is a chance to reflect on your relationship to solitude and spirituality. Carve out time for creativity and romance on the Full Moon in Libra. Trust that good things come to you from your wit and candour once Venus moves into your sign. Be open to new dreams for your future on the Aries Solar Eclipse. Taurus season is a time to recharge, ground yourself in life’s small pleasures, and gear up for your Solar Return.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

 This Aries season promises transformation in your career, Cancer. With Mars in your sign, you feel more emboldened to assert yourself, letting sensitivity be your strength. See how far you’ve come in this area of your life, especially around the 12. Mercury in Taurus and later Mercury Retrograde is a chance to reevaluate your higher aspirations and your group of friends. Find balance and beauty at home on the Libra Full Moon. Venus in Gemini brings spiritual rewards and is a good time to support people in your life by talking things through. Be open to new possibilities in career and what you’re known for on the Aries Solar Eclipse. Taurus season emphasizes how your community helps you feel grounded.

Leo & Leo Rising

Throughout Aries season, find ways to expand your horizons. What can you learn? Who can you learn it from? All the Taurus energy moving in, starting with Mercury, highlights your career. How can you continue to build your career, step by step? Mercury Retrograde is a time to reflect on your ambition so far. The Full Moon in Libra is a great time to talk things out with someone you trust. Venus in Gemini electrifies your social life, getting you more involved in your community. If you haven’t already planned a trip, do it on the Aries Solar Eclipse. Taurus season emphasizes your public reputation and what you’re working towards. 

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Aries season requires courage when it comes to facing your innermost self. It is likely some wounds will be activated. You have a tendency to think away your feelings, but has that been helpful to you? Let yourself get lost in the mysteries and beauty of life, especially once Mercury moves into Taurus. This Mercury Retrograde period will likely restructure big ideas you have about life. The Full Moon in Libra is a great time to check in with your values. Are your actions in alignment? Venus in Gemini boosts your professional life with new opportunities coming your way. Be open to new insights supporting your healing journey on the Aries Solar Eclipse. Make time for beauty and mind-expanding experiences throughout Taurus season.

Libra & Libra Rising 

How have you been navigating bringing the full extent of yourself to your close relationships, Libra? Who are your greatest allies and supporters in this life? As Mercury moves into Taurus, you take a practical approach to matters of your soul. Mercury Retrograde is a time to reflect on the deep psychological truths within you. Honour your own balancing process and the beauty you bring to life on the Full Moon in your sign. You are attracted to mentally-stimulating people and experiences that expand your mind during Venus in Gemini. New beginnings in your one on one relationships unfold on the Aries Solar Eclipse. Spend time in nature to ground and commune with your soul during Taurus season.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Build up momentum with healthy habits and routines this Aries season. Yes, daily life is getting busier, but keep putting yourself first. Taurus energy moving in, first with Mercury, emphasizes your one on one relationships. What does loyalty mean to you and how do people help you stay grounded? Reflect on all this during Mercury Retrograde. The Full Moon in Libra is great in solitude or at some sort of spiritual event. During Venus in Gemini, small talk isn’t cutting it. You crave depth in what you share with others. The Aries Solar Eclipse shakes up your relationship to daily work. Take in simple, beautiful moments with those closest to you during Taurus season. 

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Now is the time to romanticize life, Sagittarius. Make the simplest things a form of creative expression throughout Aries season. The 12’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction is a great day to embody your creative self. Mercury in Taurus grounds you in everyday life, and Mercury Retrograde asks you to review how you spend your days. Do you make time to take care of yourself? Take part in a group activity related to art on the Libra Full Moon. Venus in Gemini will help you verbally express your affection more easily and allows conversations to flow. The Solar Eclipse in Aries propels you to higher octaves of artistry. Make time for cooking and nerding out on food during Taurus season.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Aries season highlights your domestic life. Make bold changes to your home environment and time for 1 on 1 coziness at your home or with family members. Mercury in Taurus brings your mind to more creative places, and Mercury Retrograde is well-spent reviewing any projects you might have started and your relationship with your inner child. The Full Moon in Libra illuminates progress you’ve made in career, particularly in the past 6 months. Venus in Gemini also supports your work life, making it easier to talk things over with coworkers. The Aries Solar Eclipse opens up new possibilities when it comes to family and home. If things have been difficult, know that they will shift. Let yourself have fun and enjoy life’s simple pleasures in Taurus season.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

Life picks up pace in Aries season, Aquarius. Continue getting to know your surroundings and the people in them. Mercury in Taurus has you thinking about your home environment. During Mercury Retrograde ask yourself, is the present state of my domestic life meeting my needs? The Full Moon in Libra is a great time to travel or expand your horizons by taking in something beautiful. Someone may become more present in your life, helping you move towards your destiny on the Aries Solar Eclipse. Spend quality time with yourself and ground into your natural habitat throughout Taurus season. Take what you’ve learned from Saturn being in your sign and allow yourself to transform.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Aries season asks you to act boldly on your values. Now is not the time to compromise, even if you may feel like you’re dealing with an internal polarity of reality and fantasy. Find balance between them. Catch up with those you need to once Mercury moves into Taurus. You may find you have a stronger connection to the nature around you. Spend Mercury Retrograde reviewing any opinions you may have grasped too tightly and getting to know your neighbours. Don’t feel guilty about being a homebody during Venus in Gemini, as long as you’re intellectually stimulated. The Aries Solar Eclipse initiates shifts when it comes to your money and possessions. The pace of your daily life picks up speed come Taurus season – don’t forget to ground.


May 2023, Holiscopes


March 2023, Holiscopes