March 2024, Holiscopes


If things have felt static the first couple of months of the year, that will certainly shift in March. There is a lot of room for changes, some of them sudden, thanks to Uranus’ configuration with many other planets this month.

Pisces energy dominates this month, opening us up to possibility, sensitivity and empathy. Until the Spring Equinox ushers in Aries season, finish things up and make space for the new.

There might be a need to break free in our relationships, or perhaps we can’t keep doing things the way we’ve been doing them. On the 10, Mercury moves into Aries right before the New Moon in Pisces. As we set intentions related to creativity, spirituality, and the collective, our communication and thoughts may be more courageous and authentic than usual and we may want things to move a little more quickly.

Venus makes its way into Pisces on the 11, giving a more romantic touch to our relationships, and urging us to strive for boundless love and intimacy.

A new astrological year begins on the 20, with the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and Aries season. The fire sign ruled by Mars is all about the individual making themselves known and going for what their soul is calling forth within them. It’s a time to get things done without overthinking it.

Mars moves into Pisces on the 22, helping us go with the flow and surrender a little more. It’s also a great time for creativity and letting empathy guide our actions.

On the 25, Eclipse season begins with the Lunar Eclipse in Libra. During this supercharged Full Moon, be open to release any relationship dynamics that are unbalanced as well as any people-pleasing tendencies.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Your season is here, Pisces! While Saturn might be weighing heavily on you, remember that taking responsibility, setting boundaries, and moving through fear will always take you to your next level. Set intentions for new beginnings and everything you want to embody this year on the New Moon. Venus in your sign will allow you to connect deeper with those you care about and enjoy life. It might feel like there’s a tug-of-war between your subconscious and conscious mind for part of March. Try the EFT tapping practice on the Ora app to release what wants to come out. Your self-worth comes into focus with Mercury in Aries and Aries season in general. What does it mean to value yourself? What actions show that you do indeed value yourself? With Mars in Pisces, you can get a lot done and prove yourself. Make sure the number one person you’re trying to impress is you! On the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, things may come up concerning resources you share with others, or simply just emotions.

Aries & Aries Rising

Your Solar Return is nearly here, Aries. Before your season begins, take time to rest, reflect, and vibe out. This is a big year of shifts for you, so make sure you’re ready! You will probably notice some interesting interplay between communities you’re a part of and your own personal resources. Be open to sudden changes and the need to relate and act differently to align with your values. With Mercury in your sign, your mind is active and you want to express your point of view. The New Moon in Pisces is an opportunity to start a new creative project and give back to those around you. Venus in Pisces supports this too. Once your season begins, tune into your desires and make them happen. With Mars in Pisces, make sure you’re entirely conscious of what’s going on within you to avoid any unnecessary conflict. On the Libra Lunar Eclipse, step back and take inventory of your relationships. Do they feel balanced? Does your role in the dynamic need to shift?

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Friendship, groups, and the communities you’re a part of dominate your Pisces season. Part of you is still very focused on your career — Is there anyone in your work sphere who can link you to a larger community? You can set intentions for the kinds of groups you’d like to be a part of on the Pisces New Moon. All the ways in which you’re shifting will become noticeable this month, particularly when it comes to your professional life. With Mercury in Aries, you might take your bold new ideas into more secluded study. Venus in Pisces will likely present opportunities to meet new people and perhaps find a new friend group, and Mars in Pisces will have you motivated to get out there. Aries season is a time to get in touch with your subconscious mind and understand how it’s running the show. On the Libra Lunar Eclipse, check in with how balanced your daily life and work are, and how they affect your health.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

In March, your energy is directed towards your career. Can you find the spiritual lessons in the mundanity of work life? Can you view your career path as a hero’s journey? Set intentions for this area of life on the New Moon in Pisces, and let Venus in Pisces help you find creative ways to get there. There’s an expansion happening within you, where more seems possible. Your life circumstances don’t even need to change, but rather your perspective broadens. With Mercury in Aries, you’re thinking about your goals, meeting new people, and speaking more freely about what’s going on with you with your friends. Once Aries season begins, spend time in group settings without losing your individual spark. Cooperate with others while living according to your ideals. Mars in Pisces propels you forward in career with empathy. On the Libra Lunar Eclipse, a sense of playfulness and your personal need to creatively express yourself will emerge.

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

Let your horizons expand as you feel into different possibilities for your life, Cancer. Commit to a better understanding of your perspective on life, but don’t assume you have it all figured out. Set intentions for big picture insights and long-distance travel on the Pisces New Moon. With Venus in the water sign, make time for art and opportunities to meet people that are out of the ordinary for you. Earlier in the month, you may experience clashes or tension between the deepest parts of you and your relations to groups or humanity at large. Once Mercury shifts to Aries, you become more focused on your professional life. It’s a great time to make bold plans here, putting yourself first. In Aries season, check in with yourself and ensure you’re moving in a direction you’re happy with. You also may find yourself a little more in the spotlight than usual. As Mars moves into Pisces, you might be travelling or making moves towards a trip. Make time to receive insights and release emotions related to home and family on the Libra Lunar Eclipse.

Leo & Leo Rising 

Pisces season invites you to tap into self-compassion and allow yourself to look deeply inward. What emotions are asking for your attention right now, Leo? Things might feel especially intense on the New Moon in Pisces, so sit with whatever arises. With Venus in Pisces, certain relationships in your life may deepen and feel more impactful. At the same time, tension between your close relationships and your professional life may be present for you in March. Remember to take a beat to make space for responding rather than reacting. With Mercury in Aries, you want to boldly soak up new information and life philosophies. Allow yourself to go for it throughout Aries season. There’s lots of room for transformation with Mars in Pisces. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra would be a great time to process what’s going on by journaling.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

The spotlight shines on your 1:1 relationships during Pisces season, Virgo. Where do you need to let go of control and lean into full, compassionate understanding? Set intentions for creative collaboration and the kind of empathetic relationships you want to call into your life on the Pisces New Moon. You will likely notice partnerships in your life coming into more balance and understanding with Venus in Pisces. Let Mercury in Aries lead you to a bold examination of the hidden parts of yourself. Allow yourself to tune into the more subtle energies of life during Aries season. There may be things to negotiate in your close relationships once Mars moves into Pisces. Observe what comes up for you on the Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Any negative self-talk or low self esteem needs to be released.

Libra & Libra Rising 

Take a look at your daily life this Pisces season, Libra. Where are you needing to switch things up to feel good and connected to something greater than yourself? Set intentions for giving back to others and any new habits you’d like to start on the Pisces New Moon. Venus in Pisces will help boost your health and work should go smoothly. Earlier in the month, you might receive unexpected support from someone else on a creative project or encouragement to simply have fun. With Mercury in Aries, it’s a great time to discuss any difficulties in your relationships, or get another perspective on what you’re going through. Aries season in general shines a light on your close relationships and will also stir up your desire to fight against injustices. Mars in Pisces has you working hard, and is especially useful for being of service. On the Lunar Eclipse in your sign, focus on yourself and release the ways you haven’t been prioritizing you.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Creativity wants to flow through you this Pisces season, Scorpio. Let any perceived obstacles be mere stepping stones to a new level of expression. Set intentions for your highest creative expression on the Pisces New Moon, and let Venus in Pisces support you in it. There may be moments this month where you feel you want to break free of your close relationships, and this could be triggered by ancestral patterns or something happening at home. It would be helpful to take a moment to ask yourself why you feel this way and what you’re needing from the dynamic. With Mercury in Aries, you’re able to get a lot of mental work done, and you want to do your job well. Be mindful of being overly critical and judging people too quickly. In general, Aries season is a great time to examine how your daily life is going and if it truly reflects what you want to express individually. On the Libra Lunar Eclipse, take time to rest and see what hidden parts of you want to emerge.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

Continue to attend to your own inner world, and vibe out at home, Sagittarius. You might also find it supportive to connect more deeply with family this Pisces season. On the Pisces New Moon, set intentions for the kind of home and family unit you’d like to have. Venus in Pisces might prompt you to change up your space. If any tensions come up this month, it will likely have to do with the interplay between your communication and your daily life. With Mercury in Aries, you have a lot of playful ideas you want to share with others. It’s also a great time for fun. In general, do what you want and have a good time doing it throughout Aries season. As Mars moves into Pisces, you’ll have the energy to get a lot done around the house, but it also may activate unconscious behaviour patterns. Bring as much consciousness to what you’re doing and have compassion for yourself if you mess up. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra will illuminate which friends and groups are for you, and which ones may need to be released.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Life has gotten busier since Pisces season started, Capricorn. Even so, it’s a wonderful time to grow closer to certain acquaintances and make space for your emotions and imagination. Set intentions to nurture your boundless creativity and master your mental kingdom on the Pisces New Moon. You will likely notice more pleasant interactions in your immediate environment once Venus shifts to Pisces. Overall this month, you may feel tension between your own values and resources and your sense of creativity and fun. With Mercury in Aries, reflect on all that you’ve been confronted with these past few months. What have you learned? Are any past patterns repeating themselves? Aries season is a time to connect to your home and roots and come to a deeper understanding of how they make you unique. Mars in Pisces speeds things up even more and emphasizes creative mental work. On the Lunar Eclipse in Libra, observe what is revealed to you when it comes to your career and see if any changes need to be made.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Pisces season is a time to ground into who you are, Aquarius. What are the things that make you, you? What do you value? You also may be thinking about how you can continue to give back to those around you. Follow what your heart is asking. Set intentions for staying connected to what’s truly important to you on the Pisces New Moon. Once Venus moves into Pisces, it’s a great time to invest in yourself. There’s a bit of push and pull between your own need to assert yourself and familial concerns. Mercury in Aries ignites your intellectual bravery, with new ideas coming through. As the tempo of life speeds up this month, make sure you’re jotting it all down. Be mindful of emotionally-driven impulse purchases with Mars in Pisces. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra reveals something about your current life philosophy and whether or not it’s serving you.


April 2024, Holiscopes


February 2024, Holiscopes