February 2024, Holiscopes


There’s clarity and possibility in the month of February. All planets are direct, so it’s more or less all systems go. Let yourself get swept up in higher aspirations for humanity during Aquarius season, and in your dreams and the spiritual realm during Pisces season.

On the 9’s New Moon in Aquarius, there’s an opportunity for a bold new start in general, and also reinvigorating energy in our relationships. Set intentions for self-expression that benefits the collective, eccentricity, and connecting to the whole.

All the inner planets will make their way through Aquarius this month. With this fixed air sign energy, focus on the groups around you — whether that’s your friends, clubs, your communities, or the entire human race. Expand and explore your network and find innovative ways to make positive change. Mercury, Venus, Mars will all align with Pluto in Aquarius near the beginning of the month, showing us where we will experience deep transformation personally and collectively on the level of communication and information, relationships, and our drive.

Pisces season begins on the 19 sweeping us up in boundless sensitivity, creativity, and oneness. While we feel deeply into our own reality and what’s beyond it, we are more open to empathy and helping others. Now is the time to tie up any loose ends before a new astrological year begins next month.

The Full Moon in Virgo is illuminated on the 24, revealing insights and offering stability. Celebrate how far you’ve come on the level of daily life and routine and release being overly critical. Saturn’s presence offers a reality check at the end of February to ensure we’re on the right track.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

February is very much about stepping into all of who you are, Aquarius. Anything that has been hidden is asking to be revealed in your light. You have the capacity for powerful, transformative speech this month with Mercury in your sign. Trust that whatever’s coming through isn’t just for you, but for the benefit of all. On the New Moon in your sign, set intentions for the impact you’d like to make on those around you, and commit to being authentically you. With Mars in your sign, you want to defend yourself and your own interests. Don’t see this as selfish, as it’s certain your interests will align with others’ in different communities you’re a part of. Once Venus moves into Aquarius, you will really want to smooth things over with those around you if you’ve been feeling any tension. Come Pisces season, your values come to light — especially how you feel about them and how they’re connected to something greater than yourself. Celebrate how you live in alignment with what matters to you on the Full Moon in Virgo, and release any shared resources — physical, emotional, or otherwise — that you no longer need to cling onto.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

During Aquarius season, Pisces, spend time nurturing your spiritual side. Ideally, find a community or group activities to support your exploration. As you prepare for your Solar Return, it’s time to reflect on the past year. Who did you become? What experiences did you have? What do you want to bring forward with you? Deep insights will certainly come as Mercury moves into Aquarius. On the New Moon in Aquarius, connect to your innermost self and allow for new beginnings when it comes to connecting to your subconscious and the collective. Once Pisces season arrives, prioritize what you need to keep going. You can get swept up in the emotions of others, but Saturn will help you set boundaries where you need to, and Mercury in your sign will allow you to communicate them. On the Full Moon in Virgo, celebrate the close relationships in your life and how you experience giving and receiving within them.

Aries & Aries Rising

While you are naturally geared towards asserting yourself and doing what you feel compelled to, in February there’s an emphasis on understanding you are a part of the whole. Are there any projects you can collaborate with others on? Groups you can join? Ways you can give back to your community? These are the best uses of your energy for most of the month, especially when your ruler Mars moves into Aquarius. If you’re not sure where to start, ask for guidance on the New Moon and see what signs or people come to you. You’ll also likely be quite social around mid-month thanks to Venus. With the start of Pisces season, allow yourself to focus a little more inward. The astrological year is coming to a close, and for you  especially it’s time to wrap things up to start anew when your season arrives. On the Full Moon in Virgo, take a moment to celebrate your health and ability to show up daily.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

It’s time to get laser-focused on all things career and public image, Taurus. Reconnect to your network and continue to contribute positively with your vocation. The 5 is a great time for public speaking, especially if you’re trying to bring people together. Your drive fully aligns with taking action in your career with Mars in Aquarius, and making connections that get you further along will be easier with Venus in the air sign. Set intentions for your legacy and impact on the world on the New Moon. In Pisces season, there’s an emphasis on friendship. Show how much you care and be generous. You’ll be able to communicate this most effectively once Mercury moves into Pisces. The Full Moon in Virgo would be a great time to work on something creative that requires precision.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

There’s a lot of emphasis on the outside world and your connections to others in February, Gemini. Make sure you’re exploring far and wide, and leaning into your curiosity. There could be travel in the cards for you this Aquarius season, but whether or not you physically go anywhere, there’s a transformation occurring in your greater perception of the world. It might be time to study something in a group setting, led by a teacher you’re inspired by. Sign up for a course on the New Moon, or at least set intentions to see your life from a greater perspective. With Venus in Aquarius you may meet people from places and in places you don’t expect. Pisces season reminds you that the work you do needs to incorporate your emotions to be truly satisfying. Are you holding back at all? Spend the Full Moon in Virgo tidying your home or allowing yourself to get caught up in nostalgic details.

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

Aquarius season will present you with lots of opportunity for discernment, Cancer. Be very mindful of what energies you take in from the collective, and choose to be very conscious of how they affect you. It’s a great time to check in with yourself psychologically, and find ways to healthily detach from deep patterns that aren’t serving you. Someone who can help you see what’s beyond your emotions would be very supportive to you. Consider also what you share with others, especially on a collective level. Set intentions for overcoming fears and connecting to others to better understand yourself on the New Moon in Aquarius. Pisces season is a time to demonstrate your devotion to something greater than yourself. Feel into what that may be. The Full Moon in Virgo would be well-spent processing your feelings through writing and forgiving yourself for any communication mishaps.

Leo & Leo Rising 

Aquarius season reminds you how much you value freedom and individuality in your close relationships, Leo. How do you navigate intimacy and the need for space? If you need to have any deep chats with any 1:1 relationships you have — a partner, a best friend, a colleague, the 5 is a great day for it, as long as you truly see the two of you as equals. Set intentions for new chapters in your connections on the New Moon. You’ll be able to put in the work to improve these dynamics once Mars is in Aquarius, and the energies are even better with Venus in the air sign. Pisces season urges you to be compassionate and make sacrifices with your own resources when you can. From this, you’ll discover a lot about your innermost self. On the Full Moon in Virgo, celebrate how well you use your personal resources and maybe even treat yourself.

Virgo & Virgo Rising 

Collaboration is the name of the game this Aquarius season for you, Virgo, even when it comes to smaller daily life things you may take for granted. Can you find a workout buddy, take on a new project at work, cook with friends, or make something with a group? Amidst all this, do not neglect your nervous system! Check out the breathwork practices and meditations on the Ora Collective app for support. Your mind and effort is geared towards work and your routines, and Aquarius energy may help you find clever ways to switch things up and bring more efficiency. Set intentions for this on the New Moon. In Pisces season, your essence is focused on your close relationships. You will be reminded that letting go of control, while it may be difficult, is the key to being truly supportive of someone else. With Mercury in the water sign, it’s a great time to have any tough conversations with those you’re close with. On the Full Moon in your sign, celebrate yourself by releasing any harsh self-criticism and judgement you’re holding onto.

Libra & Libra Rising 

Nurture your sense of freedom and self-expression this Aquarius season, Libra. Let yourself have fun, flirt, and create whatever feels exciting to you right now. You may feel intensely inspired on the 5, so follow through with what comes to you and get started on the New Moon. With Mars in Aquarius, you’ll feel compelled to take action. A new flirtation or extra romance comes through around the 16 with Venus in Aquarius. During Pisces season, remember that you are not your job. Make sure your whole being isn’t being poured into your work day with nothing left for you at the end of it. It’s also a great time to take a look at your health and make sure you’re feeling resilient. Give back to others or take part in a spiritual ritual on the Full Moon in Virgo.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Throughout Aquarius season, you’re understanding what cooperation truly means at its most fundamental level, Scorpio. You will find the most domestic peace when you are operating from a place of soul, rather than simply your personality. Make space for reflection this month and intimate, vulnerable conversations where necessary. Set intentions for your highest vision of home and family on the New Moon. Be mindful of power struggles and the need to dominate at home on the 14. Come Pisces season, creative frustrations may be reignited. Again, connecting to your soul, the essence of who you are, will help you. Letting your feelings flow instead of holding onto resentment will also serve you. The Full Moon in Virgo is a great time to give back to your community or a group that interests you.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

As much as your Aquarius season is about opening up to what’s around you, it’s also about trusting your vision for the future. Be flexible but still in integrity to your values. Chat with literally anyone once Mercury is in Aquarius and you’ll inevitably change your mind about something, ever so slightly. You might find these conversations lead to more opportunities, or that there’s more things to do and places to be with Mars in the air sign. Set intentions for speaking your truth, especially on a large scale, on the New Moon. As Pisces season unfolds, you might be feeling a little more withdrawn and like you need to tend to your own inner world. Conversations with family members or those you live with will be effective once Mercury moves into Pisces. Forgive anyone who you feel has wronged you in your career and celebrate your successes on the Full Moon in Virgo.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Aquarius season presents an opportunity to investigate where your personal values come from — are they truly yours or do they belong to someone else? When it comes to your own material resources like money, is there an underlying fear that you won’t have enough or it will disappear? If you’d like to explore this deeper, check out the Finances classes on the Ora Collective app. The 5 is a great day to dig into one of them. You can also set intentions for how you’d like your relationship to your finances and values to evolve on the New Moon. If you’re normally very frugal in your spending, give yourself permission to treat yourself once Mars is in Aquarius. Come Pisces season, your imaginative mind is reignited. See what ideas your emotions lead you to. On the Full Moon in Virgo, if you’re not travelling for work, you might be planning your next trip.


March 2024, Holiscopes


January 2024, Holiscopes