March 2023, Holiscopes


In March, get ready for some major collective shifts as we move through one of the most eventful months of 2023. Two outer planets, Saturn and Pluto, which bring forth structural changes and rebirth, will change signs, as does Mars, planet of action and drive, which has spent an extended period of time in the sign of Gemini. 

We begin the month flowing along with Pisces energy, adapting to different feelings and intuitive hits, with greater empathy for those around us. Our mind and communication increase their sensitivity when Mercury moves into the water sign on the 2. On the same day, Venus meets up with Jupiter in Aries rewarding us for our previous actions, helping us initiate, and praising us for our boldness.

The Full Moon arrives in Virgo on the 7, providing us with the opportunity to release tension, worry, and inferiority, and tune into the balance between the everyday and the spiritual. Our intuition is heightened, and we may have a greater interest in healing and looking at beliefs when it comes to our wounds. A few hours later, Saturn, planet of karma and structure moves into the sign of Pisces where it will mostly remain until 2026. Our faith, beliefs, and meaning-making systems will be tested, disillusionment will arise alongside new utopias, and spirituality will need to hold integrity to survive. 

On the 16, Venus moves into Taurus, grounding our relationships in realism, highlighting natural pleasures, and the value we find in the material world. Mercury makes its way into Aries on the 19, favouring bold communication, impulsivity, and enthusiasm. Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere on the 20 kicks off Aries season, the beginning of the astrological new year celebrating individualism, fresh starts, a pioneering spirit, and a Just do it attitude. The New Moon in Aries arrives on the 21, a potent initiation into acting on our soul’s desires without hesitation, reevaluating our current relationship to love and money, while making changes in our lives for the highest good of all beings. 

Deep, transformative Pluto shifts from Capricorn to Aquarius on the 23, which is sure to bring changes in the way the collective functions and uses technology over the next 20 years. On the 25, Mars moves into Cancer, colouring our will to act with emotion. Our plans could be subject to mood swings, and we can be more defensive and hold things in rather than express them.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Happy Solar Return, Pisces! As you move through your season, Mercury helps you express yourself and your point of view. On the Full Moon in Virgo, evaluate your close relationships. Saturn in Pisces urges you to claim more personal responsibility and discipline for the next few years. You will find more beauty and pleasant interactions in the everyday during Venus in Taurus. Aries season ushers in new beginnings when it comes to your money and possessions. Set intentions for this area of your life on the 21’s New Moon. Pluto in Aquarius initiates deep, long term transformation on a spiritual and subconscious level. Mars in Cancer amps up your creative drive. Allow yourself to unleash your emotions through your medium of choice.

Aries & Aries Rising

Pisces season shifts your focus to the spiritual and numinous. Allow yourself to rest and reflect before your season, especially while Mercury is in Pisces. The Full Moon in Virgo shines a light on your everyday life. What routines are working? What needs tweaking? Saturn in Pisces is a time to focus on finishing what you start. Venus in Taurus compels you to indulge in beauty. Your Solar Return and a new cycle begins with your season on the 20. It’s time to boldly assert yourself. The New Moonis a great time to set intentions for any projects you want to start, or big changes you wish to make. Pluto in Aquarius begins an era of transformation when it comes to your higher aspirations and your friend group. Mars in Cancer refocuses your drive to family and home matters.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

As you move through Pisces season, community is a main theme, with Mercury in the water sign supporting your communication in the greater world around you. On the Full Moon in Virgo, zoom into a creative project you may have neglected. Saturn in Pisces asks you to integrate deeper with groups and be realistic about progress on long term goals. Venus in your sign highlights pleasure, and you will be particularly pulled to the finer things in life when it meets up with the North Node on the 20. Aries season asks you to boldly evaluate your ambitions while honouring your spiritual self. Pluto in Aquarius arouses your deep desire to achieve. You feel more emotionally emboldened and likely defensive in your opinions, especially in your immediate surroundings thanks to Mars in Cancer.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Pisces season brings together your ambition and place in the bigger picture. Mercury in Pisces supports a dreamy perspective on where you want to go. Get your house in order on the Full Moon in Virgo, let every object have a purpose. Saturn in Pisces may have you taking on more responsibility in a public forum. Venus in Taurus calls on you to give back in your relationships and face any issues in them. Balance embracing your individuality and your unique place amongst groups throughout Aries season. Be open to your view of the world transforming during the era of Pluto in Aquarius. Be mindful of soothing yourself with shopping once Mars moves into Cancer.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Cancer, continue to flow through Pisces season to get a better understanding of the world. With Mercury in the water sign, you’ll want to study anything that connects you to the bigger picture. Saturn in Pisces gets you closer to an exciting peak in life. Don’t rest on your laurels. Journal what’s on your mind on the Virgo Full Moon. Venus in Taurus grounds your group dynamics, while Aries season is all about being bold and pioneering when it comes to your career. Set intentions for any actions or new starts in this area of your life on the New Moon. Pluto in Aquarius stirs up anything you’ve been repressing and is a time to be mindful of what you share with others — financially or otherwise. Mars in your sign helps you assert yourself in your own sensitive, watery way.

Leo & Leo Rising

Leo, Pisces season is a time to slow down and feel deeply without guilt. What has been coming up for you? Process and talk it out if necessary, especially with Mercury in Pisces. Saturn moving into the water sign is a time to reevaluate boundaries and what you share with others. The Full Moon in Virgo puts a magnifying glass on your finances and possessions. It’s a great time to purge and reorganize. Venus in Taurus attracts fruitful career opportunities, while Aries season is a time to get out of your head and the depths of your soul and into the expansiveness of the world. Impulsively plan a trip on the New Moon in Aries. Pluto in Aquarius will be an era of deep transformation in your close relationships, while Mars in Cancer drives you toward the spiritual and subconscious.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

The focus of your Pisces season is your close relationships, which will be highlighted by Mercury in the water sign. Saturn in Pisces will bring tests here, and there may be shifts in how you relate to others. The Full Moon in your sign is a chance to regroup and focus on you. Go to a museum or spend time with art during Venus in Taurus. Mercury in Aries brings your awareness to the depths of your soul and what you share with others. Take a bold approach to your psychological health during Aries season. Take time on the New Moon to sit with anything you’ve been pushing down. Pluto in Aquarius initiates a transformation in your health and everyday life. Don’t take them for granted. Your energy is best spent connecting to your higher aspirations and groups with Mars in Cancer.

Libra & Libra Rising

Pisces season asks you to honour the spiritual in your everyday life, Libra. Mercury in Pisces will open your mind to more possibilities. Saturn in Pisces tests you in work and in health. Be mindful of conserving your energy for what matters. Spend the Full Moon in Virgo tending to your soul and its innermost desires. Physical relationships have the potential to deepen while Venus is in Taurus. Aries season highlights your close relationships. How can you honour your individuality while nurturing those you care about? Set intentions for any relationships you want to call in on the New Moon. Expect your self-expression to take on an intensity and any romance to feel quite deep with Pluto in Aquarius. Mars in Cancer drives your energy towards career achievement.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Keep living it up this Pisces season, Scorpio, and find more ways to channel your creativity. More inspiration will surely come while Mercury is in Pisces, and Saturn in the water sign demands creative discipline. The Full Moon in Virgo would be well spent sharing your aspirations with others. Venus in Taurus blesses your close relationships, highlighting their simple beauty. Aries season prompts you to take the initiative on health and routine. Set intentions for this area of your life on the New Moon. Home and family undergoes deep transformation as Pluto journeys through Aquarius. Mars in Cancer gives you the urge to travel somewhere you have an emotional connection to.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Pisces season highlights all things home and family. How do you feel about them? Mercury in Pisces is a good time to journal or speak about it, while Saturn in Pisces requires you to focus on this area of your life for the next little while, with the possibility of stepping up for your family. The fruits of your labour in career are ready to harvest on the Full Moon in Virgo. Venus in Taurus helps you address practical matters in your everyday relationships. Your bold creative expression emerges in Aries season. Start or restart a project on the New Moon and devise a plan to make it happen. A gradual rebirth in your immediate surroundings emerges with Pluto in Aquarius. Find healthy ways to process your deepest emotions, especially when it comes to others, while Mars is in Cancer.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Pisces season deepens your connection to your immediate surroundings. Saturn in the water sign will restructure your perception of the world and the way you communicate. Study something mind-expanding on the Virgo Full Moon. With Venus in Taurus, you’ll crave romance and creative activities. Aries season shifts your attention to your domestic life. Make time for any home improvements you’ve put off. Set intentions for being yourself amidst family on the New Moon. Pluto in Aquarius initiates transformation and a new level of depth when it comes to your relationship with values, finances, and the physical world. Mars in Cancer can help you and your loved ones process any resentment, but take the time to process your own feelings before sharing them.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Be open to a shift in perspective when it comes to finances and your values this Pisces season, especially once Mercury moves into the water sign. Saturn in Pisces reinforces what really matters to you and asks you to learn more about money. The Virgo Full Moon helps you to get in touch with what’s below the surface, while Venus in Taurus renews your appreciation for your domestic environment. It’s a great time to shift things around at home. Aries season highlights the youthful aspects of your immediate surroundings. What neighbours or acquaintances bring out the best in you? Spend time with one of them on the New Moon. Pluto moving into your sign brings forth personal transformation and examination of your innermost self. Mars in Cancer adds a nurturing energy to everyday life.


April 2023, Holiscopes


February 2023, Holiscopes