February 2023, Holiscopes


This February, we are invited to stay open to the new and allow ourselves to feel into collective empathy. In all its wide-embracing, connective, sometimes strange energy, Aquarius energy characterises most of this month. 

The 5’s Full Moon in Leo asks us to expect the unexpected, feeling into our most heartfelt desires, lust for life, and have the courage to take the initiative. Here, we also assess our motivation and consider what we might want to finish. It’s likely something we started or became aware of on the New Moon in Leo at the end of July 2022 has come to fruition. 

Mercury changes signs for the first time this year from earthy Capricorn to airy Aquarius on the 11. Here, our mental processes open up to possibilities and new ideas, taking on a more bird-eye approach to community and unity. 

Before Pisces season is ushered in on the 18, bringing more sensitivity to others and our environment, a sense of oneness, and the end of the astrological year, two planetary alignments will colour the middle of the month.

A technicolour explosion of fantasy characterises the 15’s Venus-Neptune conjunction in the sign of Pisces, where boundless love and dreaming are amplified. Then, a more sobering, monochromatic experience on the 16 — Sun conjunct Saturn in Aquarius. A reality check of sorts asking us to take inventory of what we’ve endured over the past few years. What structures made sense for us? What is ending? 

The New Moon in Pisces arrives on the 20, as makes Venus move into the sign of Aries. There are slightly conflicting energies here, with the New Moon offering a chance to start afresh when it comes to spirituality, healing, acceptance, forgiveness, and trust in a higher power and the bigger picture. Venus in Aries brings us back to ourselves and helps us follow our desires and passions. Can we hold onto both hope and realism at the same time? Can we remain autonomous as we build a better collective future?

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

A new cycle begins, Aquarius. Throughout your season, try to assess where you are and how you contribute to your greater community from a detached perspective. Mercury in your sign supports this. Your close relationships are highlighted on the Full Moon in Leo. Celebrate those who don’t inhibit your self-expression. The Venus-Neptune alignment may come with empty promises when it comes to money or indulging in numbing yourself. At the same time, the Sun-Saturn conjunction brings you back to reality, helping you set boundaries. Pisces season highlights the spiritual relationship you have with your finances and values. Use the New Moon to set intentions for renewed energy here. Venus in Aries fires up your curiosity and emboldens you to meet new people in your immediate surroundings.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Stay elusive this Aquarius season, Pisces. “Work hard in the silence; let success be your noise,” Frank Ocean once said. Even on the Leo Full Moon, you will likely be on your grind, finding ways to upgrade your everyday life and gaining new insights, thanks to Uranus. Mercury in Aquarius keeps your brain plugged into self-improvement and spiritual insights. Venus conjunct Neptune in your sign on the 15 is a dreamy, creative, romantic time, but don’t lose touch with reality. Your season kicks off on the 18. Make time to appreciate your progress this past year, even if it’s the smallest changes—set intentions not to get caught up in the negativity of the world on the New Moon. Venus in Aries sets your sights on your personal relationship to money.

Aries & Aries Rising

How are you finding yourself in your community? Stay curious about those around you this Aquarius season. The Full Moon in Leo illuminates your creativity and playfulness. Bring something bold out of you. Once Mercury moves into Aquarius, you’ll find more openness in your communication with others – less networking and more shared values. The 15 is full of mystery and daydreams. The Universe may conspire for some strange things to happen to remind you that you can’t possibly understand everything. Pisces season highlights empathy and the interconnectedness of everything. It’s also an excellent time to rest up and not overdo it. On the New Moon, take part in a ritual connecting you to something greater than yourself. Venus in Aries turns your self-love up to an 11.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Your career and reputation are evolving, Taurus. Are you okay with pursuing an unconventional path? Mercury in Aquarius will help open your mind and find different solutions to any challenges you may face. Spend the Full Moon in Leo cosy at home or with family sharing from the heart and perhaps doing something creative. The 16 may bring a wise mentor into your life or an opportunity to learn from an elder. Pisces season pulls you to your community and utopian ideas for humanity. It’s a great time to give back. On the New Moon in Pisces, set intentions for getting involved in groups or feeling a stronger sense of belonging. Venus in Aries requires a balance of prioritising yourself while still devoting yourself to others.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

While your beliefs have been tested and opened up during Aquarius season, it’s also a time to consider your duty as a student of life. What is it you’d still like to learn? Mercury in Aquarius will bring more insights here. The Full Moon in Leo is best spent journaling, especially on what is standing in the way of your confident self-expression. Venus-Neptune inspires your career, but be mindful of delusion or projecting too much onto someone at the workplace. Pisces season highlights your career. You’ve been learning that giving back to others at your job is important to you. Use the New Moon to set intentions for what you want to be known for. Venus in Aries boosts your presence in a group setting, letting your full self shine through.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Aquarius season lets you objectively understand yourself on a soul level, detaching from your ever-present emotions. Once Mercury in Aquarius comes around, it will be even easier to process. The 16 is a great day to discuss what’s perturbing your soul with an older person. The Full Moon in Leo allows you to release what’s preventing you from living by your values and is a great time to purge yourself of any physical objects that no longer represent you. Daydream about travelling, especially with friends, on the 15. Pisces season expands your beliefs and connects you with something greater than yourself. If you’ve been thinking of a spiritual journey, manifest it on the New Moon. Venus in Aries cultivates bold energy in your career.

Leo & Leo Rising

Take a step back from your close relationships to understand how they’re functioning in your life. Are there any changes you need to make? Mercury in Aquarius brings more clarity. On the Full Moon in your sign, celebrate yourself, and list all the things you’re proud of. If an interesting proposal for collaboration comes up around the 15, give it a few days to see if it’s something worthwhile. Pisces season asks you to check in with your psychological health. Is there anything brewing under the surface that you need to address? On the New Moon, check-in and ensure you’re extending the same empathy you extend to others to yourself. Venus in Aries attracts new people and experiences to you. It’s a good time to take in art or whatever you consider to be beautiful.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Have you introduced any new things into your health protocol, Virgo? Mercury in Aquarius will also help you concoct innovative ways to tweak your routine and daily life. The 16 will help weed out what’s not useful. The Full Moon in Leo takes a spiritual tone, offering an opportunity to quietly tune into your heart’s true desires. Be extra mindful of any new suitors or friends coming in around the 15. Romance and idealism are high; discernment is not. Pisces season highlights your one-on-one relationship, showing where codependence might be present. Reading about attachment styles could be interesting for you. The New Moon in Pisces is excellent for setting intentions for any new relationships you’d like to call in, while Venus in Aries drives you towards intensity.

Libra & Libra Rising

Aquarius season ignites your creativity. It’s time to allow yourself to fully own what you want to express and simply do what you want. Mercury in Aquarius stimulates your mind, providing all the inspiration you require. Saturn helps solidify any project you want to commit to. The Full Moon in Leo is a great time to do something artistic in a group setting. Be mindful of Venus-Pisces on the 15 distorting things at work. There may be strange vibes. Pisces season gets you back in the flow of life, with the pace likely picking up. Don’t neglect your health; although Pisces energy can be unwieldy, try to make things more efficient. Venus in Aries can help you make peace with someone if you don’t come on too strong.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Continue to better understand your roots, home, and family this Aquarius season. Mercury will boost any research or mental work related to this in Aquarius as of the 11. On the Full Moon in Leo, celebrate how far you’ve come on your career path and the confidence you’ve been building. With Venus and Neptune coming together on the 15, there is potential for incredible creative inspiration. Four days later, Pluto’s influence adds a transformational quality to your communication, also supporting your creativity. Pisces season is a great time to enjoy yourself and focus on fun. Combine movement with amusement on the New Moon. You’ll likely find work relationships go smoothly during Venus in Aries.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Has your perspective shifted when it comes to your immediate surroundings, Sagittarius? Have you been feeling more inspired by them? Once Mercury moves into Aquarius on the 11, the answers will be positive. The Leo Full Moon illuminates your beliefs and boosts your confidence in your place in the bigger picture. Venus-Neptune on the 15 increases your empathy and love for family, while an elder in your neighbourhood might become a more prominent figure in your life on the 16. Pisces season emphasises your roots, reconnecting you to your origins with more sensitivity. Spend time on the New Moon getting closer to your ancestors. Venus in Aries amps up flirtation, romance, and creative activities.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Aquarius season provides an opportunity to objectively assess your physical possessions and develop innovative ways to improve them, especially once Mercury moves into Aquarius. The Full Moon in Leo is intense when it comes to your emotions and could highlight control issues. Not everything is up to you; all you can regulate is your reactions. Use your mind creatively on the 15, but be wary of empty promises from neighbours or siblings. Pisces season strengthens bonds with those around you, helping you truly love thy neighbour. Set intentions for an open mind and a new relationship with your immediate surroundings on the New Moon. Venus in Aries is a wonderful chance to redecorate your home in a way that suits your personal style and improves family relations.


March 2023, Holiscopes


January 2023, Holiscopes