July 2023, Holiscopes


Although much of the focus of July is the emotional renewal and nurturing energy of Cancer season, it’s quite an eventful month in the cosmos. A trio of archetypes emerge — homebody Cancer who craves safety, the reluctant, loving lioness re-evaluating relationships with Venus Retrograde in Leo, and responsible, ambitious Capricorn bringing potential transformation and power struggles with Pluto Retrograde in opposition to Cancer.

We begin with the inspiration and profound communication of the Sun and Mercury together in Cancer, expanded with its alignment to Jupiter. The 1 and 2 are great days to speak sensitively and plan ahead for the future. 

We then celebrate accomplishments in the external world on the 3’s Full Moon in Capricorn. How have you created structures for yourself and taken responsibility? Observe the balance between work and home and take advantage of opportunities that come your way. 

Mars makes its way into Virgo on the 10, making precise, organized, and practical moves. Be mindful of not over-analyzing every single step and you can use its energy wisely. 

With Mercury in Leo as of the 11, it’s a time to speak boldly from the heart, and prioritize your creative expression. Mercury is even happier at home in Virgo as of the 28, where it can transform chaos into order and think more clearly about how it can best be of service.

The North Node shifts to the sign of Aries on the 12. Here, our collective destiny encourages us to be pioneering, independent, and bold. On the 17’s New Moon in Cancer, you may feel you want something different in both your home and professional life. Set intentions for the rest of the year and focus on nurturing yourself.

Venus Retrograde in Leo begins just before Leo season itself early on the 23. The season ruled by the Sun is all about prioritizing your identity and sharing your heart in all that you do.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

While you celebrate all that you are on your Solar Return, there are transformations taking place in your close relationships. You will likely feel a peak just as your season ends. To prepare for this, release anything not serving you when it comes to partnership on the Full Moon in Capricorn. Your new ideas are supported by your community at the beginning of July. Once Mars is in Virgo, you are driven to do things in your immediate surroundings and need intellectual stimulation, especially once Mercury moves into the earth sign at the end of the month. Money is on your mind with Mercury in Leo, and Leo season in general reinforces confidence in your worth and values. During Venus Retrograde, your relationship to receiving is under review. Don’t be afraid to dream big on the New Moon in your sign.

Leo & Leo Rising

July is rather action-packed for you, and you’d be wise to rest up as much as you can before your season. The New Moon in Cancer is a great time to recharge mid-month. There could be a big shakeup at work on the 2, especially when it comes to any cooperations or collaborations. Do something good for your body on the Full Moon in Capricorn. Lean into the analytic side of Virgo when Mars moves into the earth sign so that you don’t overspend. Mercury in Virgo will get you into the detail of your personal values and worth. Mercury in Leo earlier will help you speak from the heart. Your season starts around the same time as Venus Retrograde in Leo. Alongside a celebration of who you are, expect a reevaluation of how you relate to others.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Now’s the time to get out there and share your emotions and aspirations with your community. Don’t overthink it, Virgo! The beginning of the month is a great time to speak amongst groups in a way that will expand your beliefs about the world. Spend the Full Moon in Capricorn doing something creative and allowing yourself to play. Mars in your sign boosts your motivation, but its alignment to Saturn could result in relationship tensions. Mercury in Leo promotes self-reflection, which will be a theme of your Leo season. Venus Retrograde will help you examine to what degree you’re giving back to others. Set intentions for your dream community on the New Moon in Cancer. Mercury in your sign by the end of the month brings clarity.

Libra & Libra Rising

Don’t miss the first couple of days of the month, Libra. They’re a chance to get clear on your ambitions and speak publicly. Cancer season in general is all about career, and the New Moon is a great time to set intentions here. On the Full Moon in Capricorn, celebrate your domestic life and release any past patterns that emerge. Mars in Virgo might bring some of these unconscious tendencies up. Don’t project on others — face yourself first. Mercury in Leo channels bold ideas for the collective. Leo season in general is for being amongst groups of people and cooperating with them. Venus Retrograde will allow you to take inventory of your friend group and how you relate to the collective. You may even find friends from your past come back into your life. Get into an Ora workshop you’ve been meaning to watch during Mercury in Virgo.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

How do you nurture your beliefs about life? What insights have you gained about them during Cancer season? Plan a trip that feels expansive to you on the New Moon in Cancer. On the Full Moon in Capricorn, notice the depth of your casual conversations and have gratitude for those around you. You’re driven to spend time in groups with Mars in Virgo. Adding in a volunteer activity would be a nice bonus. Mercury in Leo offers a preview of Leo season, all about your ambitions and career. Does the public “you” truly radiate who you are? During Venus Retrograde, you may notice more difficulties than usual in your professional relationships. Take a beat before you burn any bridges. Mercury in Virgo brings wonderful networking energy.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Cancer season might not be the most buzzy and bubbly time of year for you, Sagittarius. It’s a moment to get in touch with your innermost soul. The New Moon in Cancer would be a lovely time to set intentions for deep uncoverings. On the Full Moon in Capricorn, take stock of your self-worth and personal values. How have they shifted in the past 6 months? Mars in Virgo revs up your career, while Mercury in Leo expands your mind and has you pondering your next big adventure. You feel at home in Leo season, ready to get back out into the world and explore. In all honesty, Venus Retrograde might put a damper on some of your plans, but don’t let go of your dreams. Wherever you end up, you might meet a mentor or people who are different than you. Mercury in Virgo will have your mind set on your ambitions.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

How have you been nurturing your close relationships, Capricorn? Allow yourself to be vulnerable in your communication at the beginning of July. Celebrate your accomplishments and simply who you are on the Full Moon in your sign. Mars in Virgo drives you to expand your mind and convey what you believe to others, likely in a very detailed way. Mercury in Leo, however, wants you to boldly investigate the depths of yourself. Leo season in general is a great time for inner work and deep thinking. On the New Moon in Cancer, set intentions for your relationships. Re-evalute the ties you have to others — whether shared resources or emotions during Venus Retrograde in Leo. Certain relationship dynamics that aren’t working will likely surface. Mercury in Virgo is wonderful for digging into details about places you haven’t been or topics you’d like to explore.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Cancer season has been putting the focus on your health as well as your relationship to daily work and service. Set intentions related to these on the New Moon in Cancer. In early July, you’ll likely glean some insights here. The Full Moon in Capricorn is well spent in some sort of devotional ritual and might have you pondering spiritual responsibility. Mars in Virgo drives you to meticulously examine the depths of your soul, especially once Mercury arrives there later in the month. Mercury in Leo shifts your mind to your 1 on 1 relationships. You might also crave words of affirmations from others more than usual. Leo season is for expressing yourself fully, especially to those close to you. Don’t make any rash decisions when it comes to those in your inner circle, whether a romantic partner or friend, during Venus Retrograde. Let this be a time for reevaluation.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Cancer season is for tapping into your creativity. Be especially open to insights and inspiration at the beginning of July. Consider joining a group activity, perhaps one that seems a little challenging, on the Full Moon in Capricorn. Mars in Virgo might have you more defensive than usual in your close relationships. It’s important to bring things up, especially if you’ve been avoiding it. Be especially tactful in your approach, especially around the 20. By the 28, your mind will be more focused here with Mercury in Virgo. Before that, Mercury in Leo has got your mind on your health, work, and daily routines. How can you spice them up a little? Consider what makes you feel proud in everyday life during Leo season. Set intentions for nurturing your inner child or a big creative project on the New Moon in Cancer. Venus Retrograde is a time to look at your health and review your relationship to work.

Aries & Aries Rising

It might be the middle of the summer, but allow yourself to be cozy at home this Cancer season. The beginning of the month is a great time to reflect on your family and roots. If there’s anything that comes to mind, set intentions accordingly on the New Moon in Cancer. As for the Full Moon in Capricorn, take a moment to celebrate how your public self has recently developed. Mars in Virgo will help you get things done, and when Mercury moves there by the end of the month, you’ll be even more focused. Mercury in Leo is a great time to express yourself and play with the fun thoughts going through your head. Leo season in general is for enjoying life and doing things your inner child is excited about. Venus Retrograde is a great time to reflect on past creative projects and what you loved doing as a kid.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Cancer season is all about finding comfort in your immediate surroundings. Be open to getting more vulnerable than usual with a neighbour at the beginning of the month. Perhaps from this conversation, you’ll get some insights on what to manifest on the New Moon in Cancer. The Full Moon in Capricorn, in contrast, will have you considering going somewhere far away. Mars in Virgo amplifies your creative drive. Let yourself get into the nitty gritty of whatever it is you wish to express, especially by the end of July when Mercury is in Virgo. Mercury in Leo gets you thinking about home and family. Leo season in general is a time where your heart feels more connected to this part of life. Venus Retrograde will highlight family relationships, and might make you more of a homebody than usual.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Cancer season is here to help you get real and raw about what’s important to you. Open yourself up to insights about what truly matters at the beginning of the month. If you feel like you need to make a change here, or want to recommit to your self-worth, set it into motion on the New Moon in Cancer. The Full Moon in Capricorn may very well be a time to purge stuff from the depths of your soul. Let it out. Mars in Virgo might have you obsessing over details in your house. Mercury in Virgo at the end of July will help you think it through. Mercury in Leo has you connecting at the heart with those in your immediate environment. Let it lead the way throughout Leo season, as you explore what’s going on around you. Venus Retrograde will help you realize all the love in your everyday life and perhaps you’ll also find ways to beautify your daily surroundings.


August 2023, Holiscopes


June 2023, Holiscopes