August 2023, Holiscopes


We bask in the courageous fire of Leo season for most of August, reflecting on our relationships, finances, and aesthetics thanks to Venus Retrograde. This midpoint of summer in the Northern Hemisphere also features two Full Moons, and 6 Retrograde planets by the end of the month.

August opens with the Full Moon in Aquarius on the 1. In contrast to Leo’s personal expression, this is a moment to think about how you can be of service to the collective and act in integrity.

Venus Cazimi in Leo on the 13 marks the halfway point of Venus Retrograde. As the Sun and Venus meet up, you may receive insights about your relationships and the world of art.

The New Moon in Leo arrives on the 16. Set intentions related to your heart, creativity, self-expression, inner child, romance, and play. Expect the unexpected with Uranus in Taurus in the mix.

Mars in Virgo opposes Neptune Retrograde in Pisces on the 22, creating the potential for deceitful or confusing actions, and low energy. Make sure to take good care of yourself and be discerning.

Virgo season begins on the 23, favouring intellectual precision, organization, service, and paying attention to one’s mind-body connection. The Mercury-ruled season kicks off with Mercury Retrograde in Virgo on the same day, slowing down communication and potentially causing misunderstandings.

Mars in Libra as of the 27 possesses great mediator and diplomat energy — excellent for peaceful actions, but perhaps not ideal when too much time is taken to weigh different options. We are also inclined to consider beauty, elegance, balance, and fairness in our approach.

Uranus stations Retrograde in the sign of Taurus on the 29, helping us integrate changes that have been taking place, ideas of rebellion, and breaking free.

Finally, the Full Moon in Pisces on the 30 concludes August with a bit of melancholy as it conjoins sober Saturn. Luckily, Jupiter in Taurus gives us a boost, helping us celebrate the interconnection of all beings and the greater picture.

Leo & Leo Rising

Happy Solar Return to you, Leo! Although August is a time to celebrate, you’re experiencing changes in the way you relate to others. The Full Moon in Aquarius illuminates your 1 on 1 relationships. What is there to celebrate? To release? Venus Cazimi in your sign on the 13 boosts your self-love and brings love insights. Set intentions for how you want to fully express yourself on the 16’s New Moon in Leo. Uranus urges you to try new things, and once its Retrograde asks you how you’ve paved your own way in your career. Virgo season opens up your soul to self-worth and values, while Mercury Retrograde asks you to reevaluate your money mindset. You might find yourself in more arguments with Mars in Libra. On the 30’s Full Moon in Pisces, release any intense emotions. 

Virgo & Virgo Rising

While Leo season may be a time for reflection and inner observation, Mercury and Mars in your sign motivates you on your path ahead, Virgo. The Full Moon in Aquarius shifts your focus to how small acts of service can make a big impact. Venus Cazimi on the 13 is a great time to strengthen your connection to a higher power. Set intentions for maintaining a good relationship with this power and your soul on the New Moon in Leo. Be mindful of confusing actions in your close relationships on the 22. As your season begins, you’re emboldened to be yourself. Don’t let Mercury Retrograde ruin this — triple check things and take a moment before reacting. Mars in Libra might compel you to pull the trigger on an impulsive purchase. Get real about your finances and your current possessions before you do so. Uranus Retrograde helps you realize where your worldview requires expansion. Celebrate your relationships on the Full Moon in Pisces at the end of August.

Libra & Libra Rising

How are you balancing your own self-expression with a greater vision for humanity? This is your Leo season theme, Libra. Spend the Full Moon in Aquarius doing something creative. Venus Cazimi on the 13 brings insights when it comes to how you relate to groups and the beauty you wish to add to the collective. Set intentions for how you’d like to shine amongst others on the New Moon in Leo. Virgo season is a great time to focus on your health and being of service. Spend Mercury Retrograde in the earth sign reflecting on how you give back to others. Mars in your sign as of the 27 makes you a little more self-assertive than usual. Uranus Retrograde helps you reframe the resources you share with others. Release worries, especially when it comes to work, on the Full Moon in Pisces.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Radiation through being is the name of the game for you this Leo season. It’s a reminder to bring love and your whole self to your career, Scorpio. Celebrate your unique home, family, and community on the Full Moon in Aquarius. Venus Cazimi on the 13 may help you reconnect to someone crucial to your professional development. On the New Moon in Leo, set your high-achieving intentions. While the energy of Mars opposite Neptune on the 22 can be confusing, you can harness it to do something creatively-inspired in a group setting. Virgo season highlights the perfection you seek in humanity. Mercury Retrograde is an opportunity to reflect on how you can bring utopia to the present. Be mindful of self-sabotage and irritability brewing under the surface with Mars in Libra. Release your emotions through a creative act on the Pisces Full Moon.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Leo season presents an interesting look at how expansion and changes in your daily life affect your overall outlook on life. Spend the Full Moon in Aquarius journaling on this, or whatever else comes to mind. On the 13’s Venus Cazimi, don’t be surprised if an inspiring person from your past makes a reappearance. On the New Moon in Leo, plan a long distance trip or set intentions for higher education. With Mars in opposition to Retrograde Neptune, there may be tensions between your public and private life. Virgo season highlights your career aspirations, inspiring you to get organized. Mercury Retrograde is an opportunity to rethink your professional life. Mars in Libra compels you to pursue your goals in a balanced way. Uranus Retrograde helps you integrate changes in everyday life, while the Full Moon in Pisces connects you to your roots.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

August will certainly expand your horizons, Capricorn, but first, be willing to excavate deep into your soul during Leo season. Celebrate progress on the level of your values and financial wellbeing on the Full Moon in Aquarius. With Venus Cazimi on the 13, you may be reminded of shared resources that can benefit you. Commit to new creative projects that are deeply fulfilling on the Leo New Moon. While you might be craving travel, especially once Virgo season comes along, Neptune’s influence around the 22 might hold you back. If you do travel during Virgo season, don’t make it strictly business, and triple check your plans while Mercury Retrograde unfolds. Mars in Libra ramps up your career drive, while Uranus in Taurus helps you integrate new forms of self-expression you’ve been trying out. On the Full Moon in Pisces, make time for conversations with those who value your unique perspective.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

August highlights shifts in your domestic life and 1:1 relationships, pushing you towards deep soul investigation, Aquarius. Don’t make any hasty commitments with friends or lovers. Celebrate yourself and how you’ve progressed in the past six months on the Aquarius Full Moon. On the 13’s Venus Cazimi, see what insights emerge when it comes to understanding matters of the heart. Set intentions for your close relationships in light of these new discoveries on the Leo New Moon. With Mars opposite Neptune, there’s a push and pull between shared values and resources and your own. Get clear on what’s yours. Virgo season will highlight where you might be too critical. Mercury Retrograde will help you review this. Make plans for mind-expanding beauty during Mars in Libra. Incorporate the changes you’ve experienced at home and with family during Uranus Retrograde. Release any feelings you’re holding onto about physical abundance on the Full Moon in Pisces.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

You might find yourself feeling tension between yourself and others, especially later this month. Prioritize your health and routines before getting entangled in anything else. On the Full Moon in Aquarius, try a practice that tunes you into the more subtle energies of life. The 13’s Venus Cazimi provides insights when it comes to work and serving others. You can set intentions based on these and putting your heart into what you do on the New Moon in Leo. Virgo season is all about your close relationships. Remember that what you do for others, you also do for yourself. Mercury Retrograde is a great time to review this principle. Mars in Libra could bring up conflict when it comes to shared resources. Look within before you project outward. Uranus Retrograde allows you to integrate changes in your daily life and immediate surroundings. Release any emotional build-up and celebrate yourself on the Full Moon in your sign.

Aries & Aries Rising

Let the good times roll during Leo season and keep nurturing your creativity, Aries. Notice if there’s any push and pull between life’s smaller details and the bigger picture. Give back to your community or simply plan a group activity on the Full Moon in Aquarius. Venus Cazimi can bring incredible artistic inspiration and the Leo New Moon is a wonderful opportunity to set intentions for a new project. Virgo season is for meticulously examining your daily life — how do work, health, and routines fit into it? Mercury Retrograde can help you reorganize all of this. Be mindful of conflict in your close relationships during Mars in Libra. Uranus Retrograde allows you to integrate changes in your material world and personal values. Explore your subconscious and the mysteries of life on the Full Moon in Pisces.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

While you take pride in your home environment during Leo season, your energy is directed to creative pursuits, but you may be tricked into believing your community is holding you back. Celebrate all the career progress you’ve made on the Full Moon in Aquarius. During Venus Cazimi, home decoration inspiration may strike, or a family member may reach out. Set intentions for a strong heart connection with your domestic environment on the Leo New Moon. Virgo season ignites your creativity even further. Let yourself get lost in the details as long as you execute what you have in mind. Mercury Retrograde helps you revisit old projects. Mars in Libra leads you to restore a sense of balance in daily life. Integrate all the ways you’ve personally changed during Uranus Retrograde in your sign. Opt for a spiritual group activity on the Full Moon in Pisces.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Lean into stimulating conversation, especially with those in your immediate environment this Leo season. Let it support you as you move through possibly confusing events in your home and work life. On the Full Moon in Aquarius, do something out of your normal routine, even if it’s reading about something weird at home. Venus Cazimi can help strengthen bonds between you and an acquaintance. Set intentions for feeling heart-connected to your neighbourhood on the Leo New Moon. Virgo season is an opportunity to re-organize your home, especially with Mercury Retrograde. Mars in Libra helps you execute beautiful creative ideas. Any sudden changes that feel inexplicable would be great to go over with a therapist during Uranus Retrograde. Celebrate your career progress on the Full Moon in Pisces, even if you may feel a bit blocked.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

You have an instinctive understanding of what people need, Cancer. Are you channelling that into creating financial abundance for yourself? You might feel especially emotional on the Full Moon in Aquarius. Let it all out. Venus Cazimi may bring insights about where to invest your resources — monetary or otherwise. Transform this understanding to conscious intention on the Leo New Moon. Strange events in your immediate surroundings might cause you to reconsider your greater world views around the 22. Virgo season will magnify the details around you, while Mercury Retrograde is a great time to review any thoughts of inferiority and improve your mindset. Mars in Libra propels you towards balance in your home life. Integrate changes you’ve noticed in the collective and possibilities for your future during Uranus Retrograde. Allow yourself to feel connected to the bigger picture on the Pisces Full Moon.


September 2023, Holiscopes


July 2023, Holiscopes