January 2024, Holiscopes


Welcome to a new year! Capricorn energy dominates the month before Aquarian innovation makes its way in. Spend January leaning into responsibility, slow and steady progress, long-term rewards instead of instant gratification, and the legacy you’d like to leave behind. Mars in Capricorn as of the 4 helps our action and drive get on board, while Mercury in Capricorn from the 14 allows our thoughts to become more practical and grounded.

Important to mention, of course, is Mercury stationing Direct in Sagittarius on the 2. Mercury Retrograde is over, and it's time to implement the reflections you’ve had on your beliefs and big goals. The New Moon in Capricorn then arrives on the 11, an opportunity to ground into your intentions for 2024. What goals do you have for the year? Where can you invite in more discipline?

Aquarius season begins on the 20. As the fixed air season unfolds, let your mind open to innovative, future-forward, community-minded ideas, and bring people together for the good of humanity. Pluto moves back into Aquarius after last year’s brief trip, fully initiating a paradigm shift and collective transformation that will unfold over the next two decades.

Venus moves into the sign of Capricorn on the 23, where the practical matters of our relationships will be highlighted. The Full Moon in Leo arrives on the 25, an opportunity to celebrate your creativity and self-expression as its likely certain things might be uncovered with Pluto’s involvement.

Finally on the 27, Uranus stations Direct in the sign of Taurus. After five months Retrograde, the planet of sudden changes and rebellion will likely bring unexpected events and have us ready to make necessary shifts.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

You will have the fortitude to assert yourself and go after what you want this month, Capricorn. But don’t forget to have fun! As Mercury stations Direct, you’re integrating deep spiritual lessons and a big-picture approach. With the power of Mars in your sign, set bold intentions for the type of person you wish to become this year on the New Moon. Mercury in Capricorn will help you express your point of view in a grounded way. Once Aquarius season begins and Pluto follows the Sun to the air sign, your personal resources and finances are illuminated, and this area of your life will transform over the next two decades. Find common ground and make peace with Venus in your sign. On the Full Moon in Leo, deeper emotions may emerge. Be open to sudden creative inspiration when Uranus stations Direct.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

January will be a month of revelations for you, Aquarius. What has been dormant and subconscious will rise to the surface. Embrace the power in whatever form it arrives to you. As Mercury stations Direct, you’re able to communicate more directly with those around you, especially when it comes to your beliefs. A bit of spiritual discipline might do you well with all the Capricorn energy present — perhaps a 40 day practice? The New Moon in Capricorn would be a great time to begin. As your season unfolds, allow all the eccentric, innovative parts of you to shine. With Venus in Capricorn, you may want to take more responsibility by contributing to an organization that could use your genius. Show the warmth you feel for those close to you on the Full Moon in Leo. Uranus Direct may suddenly change your familial or domestic circumstances.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

It’s all systems go for the majority of January, Pisces. The energies right now support you in moving towards your highest goals and aspirations. Mercury Direct highlights your confidence in communicating how you best serve others. Speaking of other people, Capricorn season and all the planets in the earth sign push you to get out in the world and get involved with new groups or ones you’re already a part of. Set intentions for how your collective affairs will unfold this year on the Capricorn New Moon. As Aquarius season begins, tap into your intuition and psychic sensitivities. Withdraw from the world when you can. Pluto in Aquarius reignites a transformation and clears away psychological debris over the next two decades. Celebrate the warmth and self-expression you put forth in daily life on the Leo Full Moon. Uranus Direct can bring sudden disruptions and breakthroughs in your mental patterns.

Aries & Aries Rising

In January, you are being nudged towards collective contribution, Aries. How can your career achievements give back to those beyond your immediate circle? With Mercury Direct, you might find yourself in even more conversations that feel expansive, whether it’s to do with spirituality or learning beyond limits you assumed you were working with. Your natural drive will be to work hard and be ambitious. Make sure your energy is moving in the right direction on the New Moon. Once Aquarius season comes around, your relationship to the greater whole is illuminated. Pluto in Aquarius will slowly but surely transform your experience of groups and humanity at large. Make time for creativity and play on the Leo Full Moon. Around Uranus Direct in Taurus, there could be a sudden shift in your physical surroundings or personal possessions.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Capricorn season might be shining a light on your healthy scepticism, Taurus. How can you ensure you leave room for a little magic and mystery? As Mercury stations Direct, you’re coming to terms with what you’ve learned about your innermost self. With all the Capricorn energy, you might be pulled towards improving your expertise with some more education. Set intentions on the New Moon for your long-term learning goals. Once Aquarius season comes along, your career comes into focus, and Pluto in Aquarius reinitiates transformation in this area of your life and increases your power, too. With Venus in Capricorn, you might have new spiritual experiences with others that feel grounded in reality. Spend the Full Moon in Leo doing something creative with family or at home. Uranus Direct in your sign helps you feel limitless as your relationship with the outside world continues to be redefined.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

What has been emerging from the depths of you, Gemini? How have you been able to take responsibility for it all? Your ruler Mercury stations Direct at the beginning of the month, which should gradually clear up any miscommunications you’ve had with those close to you. Most of the month has great energy to work on yourself and get a solid grasp of how you’d like to evolve. Set intentions for how you’d like to transform in the long-term on the New Moon. A few days after, once Mercury is in Capricorn, you might be thinking about how you share resources with others — whether it’s money or otherwise. Venus in Capricorn later in the month pushes you towards this too. In Aquarius season, you are curious about answering life’s big questions. Don’t expect to have definitive answers anytime soon — Pluto’s move back into the air sign will be slowly transforming these kinds of beliefs. The Full Moon in Leo might bring inspiration to write or express yourself through words. Once Uranus is Direct, anything you’ve mentally repressed may suddenly surface.

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

As you move through Capricorn season, your closest relationships and partnerships are in focus, Cancer. Do you ever feel the need to enforce any kind of control here? Cooperation and balance are key. Set intentions accordingly on the New Moon. With Mercury Direct, you might find communication in your daily life runs more smoothly and you have the energy to get it all done. Once Aquarius season begins, you embark on a deeper journey inward, and might be drawn towards strange subjects. Pluto in Aquarius will continue to transform your intimacy with others and how you share resources. Venus in Capricorn creates harmony in your close relationships. Celebrate your own values and the resources you’ve created for yourself on the Leo Full Moon. Be open to meeting new people who challenge your ways as Uranus stations Direct.

Leo & Leo Rising 

Capricorn season has you working hard, quite simply. While your discipline is clearly useful at work, see how it can be applied to your own health and wellness, too. As Mercury stations Direct, you’re enthusiastic about connecting with others. Things get more serious once Mercury is in Capricorn. On the New Moon, set intentions for daily life, routines, and how you show up at work. In Aquarius season, your unique relationships with those close to you are highlighted. With Pluto in Aquarius, these 1:1 dynamics will be transformed and go deeper. Venus in Capricorn might bring up difficulties in your more intimate relationships but professional ones should be just fine. Take a moment to celebrate yourself and how far you’ve come in the past six months on the Full Moon in your sign. Uranus Direct shakes up things in your career, likely for the better, since you’ve been focused lately.

Virgo & Virgo Rising 

Your approach to self-expression is down to earth, Virgo. Capricorn season is the time to lean into it. You might not have the same idea of fun as other people and that’s okay. As your ruler Mercury stations Direct, you have a deeper appreciation for your own home and roots. You probably feel less wonky too. Set intentions for what you’d like to create this year and devise a practical plan on the New Moon. Take extra care of your nervous system during Aquarius season and spend more time with coworkers. Pluto in Aquarius might uncover any deep-seated health issues, so don’t skip on your self-care. Connect with your power on the Full Moon in Leo. Uranus Direct might bring a sudden move somewhere far away, or a new chapter in your higher education journey.

Libra & Libra Rising 

How have you been grounding into your home and connecting with the theme of family, Libra? Are there any particular objects or family heirlooms you’ve been reacquainted with? Think about your connection to responsibility when it comes to family on the New Moon. As Mercury stations Direct, your mind feels more clear and you feel more like your regular, optimistic self. Have fun and enjoy expressing yourself in weird ways once Aquarius season comes along. Creativity, romance, and the topic of children are transforming for you with Pluto in Aquarius. With Venus in Capricorn, you might find you’re getting along better with family or whoever you live with. Do something creative with a group of people on the Leo Full Moon. With Uranus Direct, there may be situations that suddenly emerge where you must collaborate or renew something within yourself.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

In January, you may feel like keeping to yourself and your people more than usual, Scorpio. Yet Capricorn season presents an opportunity to get to know those around you. This will be especially true later in the month when Venus moves into Capricorn. As Mercury stations Direct, you continue to understand that some sort of spiritual connection leads you to your values and personal resources. You’re driven to argue more than usual with Mars in Capricorn, and you have the energy to follow through. Make a list of everything you’re curious about on the New Moon, and make sure to get to learning in the next six months. Aquarius season may bring lessons about cooperation in your domestic space. It’s also a time to look to the future when it comes to home and family. Pluto in Aquarius will be slowly transforming all this. Celebrate your career accomplishments on the Leo Full Moon. It might be time to make needed changes in close relationships once Uranus stations Direct.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

Think about making long-term investments in yourself throughout Capricorn season. Ground your fiery optimism in alignment with your values and whatever moves the needle when it comes to building your own resources. Set intentions and make a plan for how you’ll move forward with this on the New Moon. With Mercury Direct in your sign, you’ll find it easier to express yourself without misunderstandings. Aquarius season will have you interacting with and getting to know those around you. Give people the space to change your mind about things — we can’t possibly know everything ourselves. You begin a mental restructuring with Pluto in Aquarius, so the more open you are, the better. The Leo Full Moon would be a nice time to travel, or appreciate all the places you’ve been. With Uranus Direct, you’ll want to break out of your normal routines at least a little.


February 2024, Holiscopes


December 2023, Holiscopes