September 2023, Holiscopes


The air gets crisper and so do our minds. Summer winds down and the light and warmth of the sun dwindles, reigniting the inner flames of our souls. We begin September in Virgo season, ruled by Mercury, planet of communication, which is also spending time in the mutable Earth sign. Mercury is Retrograde at the start of the month, meaning there may be ongoing misunderstandings and things not going according to plan until the 15. It would be wise to use this time to be organized and precise with your own affairs, perhaps cleaning out and reorganizing in preparation for the rest of the year. 

Venus stations Direct in Leo on the 3, which should clear up any relationship issues you’ve experienced during Retrograde. Take your time integrating these lessons. In contrast, Jupiter in Taurus stations Retrograde on the 4. This time allows us to turn inward and ponder the slow, sustainable growth that is characterized by lucky Jupiter in the fixed Earth sign. 

The New Moon in Virgo arrives on the 14 or 15, just before Mercury stations Direct. 

It provides a wonderful chance to set intentions for getting organized, being of service, a better relationship to criticism and perfectionism, and daily life, health, and work. 

With the Autumn Equinox on the 23 comes Libra season. At the official start of Fall, it’s time to get social and reconnect with those around us, particularly our 1 on 1 partnerships, romantic or otherwise. As the sign of Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, find ways to prioritize beauty and harmony in your life. 

The Full Moon in Aries arrives on the 29 with a fire in its heart. Release anything holding you back from embracing your inner spark of genius and ambitions and don’t forget to have fun!

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Your mind is likely abuzz with ideas and brilliant details, Virgo. Use this mental prowess to your advantage, but don’t forget to take some time for mindless fun, especially during your Solar Return!  Venus Direct in Leo helps you take action on serving others well beyond your season. Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus is a time to integrate big life lessons you’ve been learning. Insights come to you on the 6 when the Sun joins up with your ruling planet Mercury. The New Moon in your sign provides a fresh start – tune in to what you want to prioritize in the next six months. Shortly after, Mercury stations Direct in Virgo, helping you express yourself more clearly. Libra season is a wonderful time to get balanced when it comes to your finances. Are you letting money flow in and out? How are you using the resources available to you? On the Full Moon in Aries, connect with your inner depths and let your feelings flow.

Libra & Libra Rising

Virgo season is a time for you to balance rest and contemplation while being conscious of your health and giving back to those around you, Libra. During Mercury Retrograde, observe where you’re secretly critical of others. Once Venus is Direct in Leo, you can ease back into social mode in a way that’s more true to you. Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus will help you reflect on how you’ve grown when it comes to the resources you share with others. On the New Moon and Mercury Direct in Virgo, you’ll get more clarity on how you can best be of service and implement insights you’ve been gathering. In Libra season, you’re full-on, unapologetically yourself. Remember that you can shine as you’re meant to without diminishing others. Release any regrets you may be clinging onto in your 1 on 1 relationships during the Full Moon in Aries.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Make time to connect with groups and renew your faith in humanity during Virgo season, especially once Mercury Retrograde is over, Scorpio. Great networking energy is present for you once Venus is Direct. Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus helps you see how you’ve grown through your close relationships, and how the mirror of the other helps you understand yourself in a grounded way. The New Moon in Virgo is an opportunity to connect with likeminded people and possibly start a project together. Libra season illuminates a need for you to better understand the true meaning of cooperation. Make sure you take plenty of time to rest before your season comes along. Celebrate the big and small ways you master daily life on the Full Moon in Aries.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Virgo season is all about your career. If you suddenly want to create a filing system, inspirational mood board, or 10 year plan, now is the time. Mercury Retrograde has helped you get more clear on what you want to achieve. Venus Direct in Leo enhances honesty with your values and with those around you. You will be reminded just how persistent you are during Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus. You often prefer to move through life quickly, but this time emphasizes day-by-day consistency. Set intentions for your greatest ambitions on the New Moon in Virgo and begin to implement plans, especially once Mercury is Direct. Libra season is a wonderful time to be social and get to know your fellow humans better. If you feel called, take aligned action on anything you feel is unjust on a societal level. Express yourself and let off steam on the Full Moon in Aries.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

You can be sceptical when it comes to spirituality and universal laws, Capricorn. But it’s likely Virgo season and Mercury Retrograde have changed your mind about a few things. Once Venus stations Direct, you have a new level of understanding when it comes to what you share with others. Jupiter Retrograde allows you to reflect on how you’ve grown in self-expression and creativity. Set intentions for expanding your horizons on the New Moon in Virgo and see what happens when you apply a zoomed-out perspective to your life once Mercury is Direct. Libra season provides even more energy to your career endeavours. On the Full Moon in Aries, retreat to the sanctuary of your home.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Virgo season has the power to renew and regenerate who you are, Aquarius, but only if you’re willing to let go of criticism of yourself and others. There’s nothing wrong with having high standards, so long as you offer compassion when they aren’t perfectly achieved. Venus Direct in Leo clears up confusion on the relationship front — perhaps you’ve been experiencing past lovers or friends popping up out of nowhere. Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus helps you examine your fundamental values and how you want ideas of family to expand. On the New Moon in Virgo, get detailed about what kind of collaborations you wish to call in and how you want to share resources with others. Mercury Direct will help bring clarity. Examine how you balance your innermost soul with outer appearances and think about beautiful things you can teach others throughout Libra season. Speak your mind or write it out on the Aries Full Moon.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Virgo season is an invitation to examine your 1-on-1 relationships, Pisces. Do you have a tendency to nitpick those you’re closest to? Focus on giving, not grumbling. Set intentions relating to this on the Virgo New Moon. Any work issues, especially when it comes to self-expression, should clear up with Venus Direct. Jupiter Retrograde emphasizes your beliefs when it comes to belonging. It would be wise to do some inner child work on this if you tend to feel out of place. Once Mercury is Direct, communicating is smoother in partnerships, with added ease in sharing details. Balance what you share with others this Libra season, whether these are tangible things, feelings, or energies. Remind yourself you are worthy no matter what on the Full Moon in Aries.

Aries & Aries Rising

It’s time to get back to the nitty gritty of daily life this Virgo season, Aries. Try a morning routine, be the most organized person at work, or prioritize your health. Set intentions related to all this on the Virgo New Moon, and you’ll feel more certain of what’s important to focus on thanks to Mercury Direct in Virgo soon after. Venus Direct will clarify the reality of any romances you have been swept up in this season. Take inventory of how you’ve grown and how your beliefs about money and personal worth have shifted during Jupiter Retrograde. Once Libra season comes along, it’s all about sharing your life with other people. It’s impossible for you to keep everything to yourself, even though you’re capable of it. Celebrate the courageous actions you’ve taken in the past 6 months on the Full Moon in your sign.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

How far have you come this year, Taurus? You’re closer to your dreams than you give yourself credit for. Focus on gratitude for your own growth during Jupiter Retrograde in your sign. Keep going with your creative projects this Virgo season, and devise a 6 month plan on the New Moon in Virgo. Mercury Direct will help you clearly execute it. Venus Direct in Leo helps harmonize your home — from the people who inhabit it to its design. Libra season ramps up your productivity and reminds you of your preference for cooperation, harmony, and justice at work. Release any self-sabotage or self-destructive tendencies on the Full Moon in Aries.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Use your mental prowess in your home environment this month, Gemini, and you will take full advantage of September. Make your house a home, and enjoy the domestic clarity Mercury Direct will offer you. The Virgo New Moon is an opportunity to set intentions about your family and private spaces. As Venus stations Direct, relationships in your immediate surroundings flow smoothly. Jupiter Retrograde helps you integrate growth in your subconscious and spiritual life. Remember, change starts from within. Libra season brings beauty and charm to your creative life. What impulses are emerging and how can you make space for them? Surround yourself with ambitious individuals on the Full Moon in Aries.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

You’re picking up a lot of nuances from your immediate surroundings, Cancer. How will you implement them this Virgo season, especially once Mercury stations Direct? Socialize more than usual the second half of September. A great day for this is around the New Moon in Virgo. With Venus Direct, energies are clearer to decide on good self-investments. The next few months are wonderful for integrating and understanding your grounded vision for humanity thanks to Jupiter Retrograde. Spend time making your home beautiful and balanced once Libra season comes around and connect with family members you’ve been meaning to catch up with. On the Full Moon in Aries, take inventory of how you’ve progressed in your career and celebrate your achievements.

Leo & Leo Rising

Virgo season has your mind busy contemplating your personal values and sense of worth. You’ve got everything you need to succeed, but is there something that needs to be prioritized right now? Implement your plan of action around the middle of the month, when the fresh start of the New Moon in Virgo and Mercury stationing Direct come into play. Before that, you’ll find a new level of peace with others as Venus finally stations Direct in your sign. Jupiter Retrograde wants you to integrate and comes to terms with doing things your own way in career. Libra season is ripe for chatting with neighbours and acquaintances and finding the charm in your daily surroundings. With Mars also in the air sign, you have the potential to be a diplomat or an antagonist in your dealings with others. Do something out of your daily routine to avoid feeling restless on the Aries Full Moon.


October 2023, Holiscopes


August 2023, Holiscopes