November 2023, Holiscopes


There’s a swirl of confusing and potentially aggressive energy present in November. It’s important to prepare yourself as you see fit, to not get wrapped up in what doesn’t truly belong to you or what may provoke you. It’s not all challenging — not to worry. The more bravely you can face November, the better. The deeper you can dive rather than splashing around at the surface of things this Scorpio season, the better. Eclipse season is over and it’s time to pick up the pieces, investigate and explore. 

Saturn stations Direct in Pisces on the 4, encouraging us to enact what we’ve been reflecting on in terms of reality, responsibility, and boundaries when it comes to emotions, intuition, spirituality, and oneness. 

On the 8, Venus moves into Libra with all its charm, beauty, and socializing – giving a boost to our relationships and values. Mercury makes its way into fiery Sagittarius on the 10, giving our communication and mental processes an optimistic and outspoken edge. Be mindful of jumping to conclusions and judgement here. The configuration of these two planets adds a warmth and lightness to the month. 

While not an Eclipse, the New Moon in Scorpio on the 13 promises to keep things interesting. As you invite in more emotional depth and the willingness to deeply understand your soul, you may feel an urgency to transform. Meanwhile, you may be moving through both triggers and spiritual awakening energy.

Intensity is high on the 18 with the Sun and Mars coming together in Scorpio, and with Uranus in the mix there is the potential for sudden, unexpected actions. This will ease up once we enter Sagittarius season on the 22, a time for an expansion of our minds and a pull towards greater truths. Our momentum is recalibrated forwards and upwards with Mars moving into Sagittarius on the 24. 

The Full Moon in Gemini arriving on the 27 has a lighter dose of inspiration and socialization, while also filled with the pressure to act in alignment with one’s true path.

With little Earth energy in the cosmos to ground us, ensure you incorporate practices that help you grow and nourish your roots in November.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

November emphasizes your personal power — how can you harness it with the help of your own resources and sense of self? As much as you’re grounded in yourself, be aware of the potential for unexpected outbursts in your close relationships this month. Saturn Direct in Pisces asks, what are you ready to integrate and commit to when it comes to creativity and play? On the New Moon in your sign, set intentions for how you wish to transform. Sagittarius season is a time to expand your resources by being generous to others. Observe if you’re able to extend your consciousness outward when it comes to your finances. Thanks to Venus in Libra, your willingness to be selfless in relationships builds up your self-esteem. The Full Moon in Gemini is a great time to journal or verbally process your emotions.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

November is set to simultaneously shake up and bring blessings to your daily life, Sagittarius. While it all unfolds, be sure to tend to the innermost parts of yourself. Saturn Direct solidifies your more intimate sense of self, especially at home or with family. With Venus in Libra, your charm finds itself amongst groups of people. You’ll likely feel compelled to meet new people and strengthen your bonds with Mercury and Mars in your sign. Set aside time for deep meditation and to feel emotionally refreshed on the New Moon in Scorpio. There will be times this month where you need to remind yourself that you have the potential to be your own worst enemy. How can you bring consciousness and kindness to that part of you? There is a lot more levity as you celebrate yourself during Sagittarius season. Shed light on the close relationships in your life on the Gemini Full Moon.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

You require a balance of going out into the world and networking with retreat and personal expansion, Capricorn. It’s also important for you to not take things so seriously, instead with more levity. Continue to connect with your community this Scorpio season. The Scorpio New Moon could be a great opportunity to begin something that deeply serves others. Venus in Libra continues to support you in your career and you will begin to notice how your mind and ways of communicating have been re-structuring once Saturn is Direct. Sagittarius season subtly illuminates your optimistic faith in life, which is most easily found when you allow yourself to let go a little. Start by releasing whatever’s sucking up unnecessary mental energy on the Full Moon in Gemini.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

Scorpio season continues to illuminate your outer self and ability to succeed professionally. Go all-in, but remember the importance of your home life too!  Saturn Direct in Pisces nudges you towards gentle responsibility in your finances, and helps you have faith in creating your own resources. Venus in Libra reminds you to connect to yourself and rediscover what’s important to you through beautiful experiences. Set ambitious intentions with the motivation you feel on the New Moon in Scorpio.. As Sagittarius energy moves into the cosmos, you will be driven to explore and expand through friends and other people you know. Let your creative expression flow out of you on the Full Moon in Gemini, whatever it may be.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

You will experience both depth and expansion this month, Pisces, as you are driven to understand the world and boldly find your place within it. Allow yourself to get deep into your exploration this Scorpio season. Saturn Direct in your sign encourages you to step up your personal responsibility with tangible actions. Venus in Libra reminds you to cooperate when it comes to what you share with others. You may sense some tension between your desire to explore and where your mind is at. Don’t let it hold you back! Set intentions for transformation through learning on the Scorpio New Moon. With Sagittarius season, your ambition and drive to succeed are heightened. Your optimism and friendliness will always help you in this area of life. Have a cozy time at home on the Gemini Full Moon.

Aries & Aries Rising

In what ways are you being called to go deeper within yourself, Aries? Heeding this call, even if it feels uncomfortable is crucial as Scorpio season unfolds. Saturn Direct helps you put into place final steps you need to take to wrap certain things up. Be open to unexpected events when it comes to finances and self-worth, and how they relate to what you share with others. The New Moon in Scorpio will likely feel emotionally intense. Spend time connecting with your feelings to understand what they wish to tell you. Sagittarius season will be lighter and more familiarly fiery. Get out there and explore. You might find past emotional patterns are affecting your thinking around the Full Moon in Gemini. See if journaling will help shed light on them and find ways to rewrite them.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

It’s time to bring energy to your close relationships. Dive in this Scorpio season and don’t be afraid to show what’s truly inside of you, Taurus. Set intentions for aligned partnerships where you’re comfortable sharing resources on the Scorpio New Moon. With Saturn Direct, you’re able to take steps towards your dreams and show up responsibly for your community. Venus in Libra highlights your needs for harmonious relationships at work – is some peacekeeping required? Sagittarius season and all it brings ramps up your faith in life and interest in spiritual philosophy. This month’s theme of spirituality on Ora Collective is a great place to start. The Full Moon in Gemini highlights your money mindset. Can you celebrate where you’re at when it comes to material abundance?

Gemini & Gemini Rising

A deep focus on the minutiae of daily life will serve you well this month, Gemini. How can you show up for work and your daily routines in a way that serves you and keeps things interesting? Set intentions to commit deeply to this part of life on the New Moon in Scorpio. It’s easy for you to get ahead of yourself, but Saturn Direct reminds you that all things career will happen in due time. Venus in Libra ramps up your creativity, especially when you’re supported by good friends. With Mercury in Sagittarius, your focus shifts to your close relationships. Throughout Sagittarius season, take note of how those you let in help you expand. Celebrate your unique self on the Gemini Full Moon.

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

Often it is through play that we effectively move through tough emotions, perhaps without even noticing. Keep this in mind as Scorpio season unfolds, Cancer. If a creative project has been nagging at you to get going on it, the Scorpio Moon is a great time to start. You feel more solid in your spiritual beliefs as Saturn stations Direct. If you live life in congruence with them, life will continue to prove to you they’re real. Venus in Libra extends the domestic harmony you experienced in October. How can you create even more balance at home? During Sagittarius season, you’ll get busier and will feel more compelled to be on the move. On, the Gemini Full Moon, journal or find another suitable way to receive insights from something beyond you.

Leo & Leo Rising 

What is asking for your devotion this month, Leo? Scorpio season highlights a desire to go deeper into your innermost self and ancestral roots. Be open to what you are being called to explore on the Scorpio New Moon. As Saturn stations Direct, you understand the sacrifices you must make in order to truly transform. This doesn’t have to be anything dark or overly demanding, but rather true, divine compassion. With Venus in Libra, your creative sensibility is boosted but be mindful of overextending yourself in relationships. Sagittarius season should be fun and social, with opportunities to harness your self-expression. The Full Moon in Gemini would be well-spent in a group activity.

Virgo & Virgo Rising 

If there was ever a time to get into a rabbit hole about your own neighbourhood, this Scorpio season is it, Virgo. Let your mind dive into whatever is fascinating you. If you’ve observed relationships that don’t feel aligned in the long run, Saturn Direct is an opportunity to set boundaries where necessary. Your mind wants to feel at home on the Scorpio New Moon — perhaps there’s an opportunity to read, write, or study. Sagittarius season reinforces this home-y energy. It’s time to consider how the safety you feel in your environment is an important foundation for your exploration and expansion. Take a moment to check in with how you’ve progressed in your career on the Gemini Full Moon.

Libra & Libra Rising 

October was likely a lot for you, Libra. Spend November grounding, taking care of yourself, and getting deep into your self-worth, values, and finances. Set intentions for how you’d like to profoundly shift or reconnect to all of this on the Scorpio New Moon. Saturn in Pisces can help with discipline and having better emotional boundaries at work. Venus in your sign highlights a need for reconnection with those close to you, especially after last month’s Eclipse season. Luckily, you feel optimistic during Sagittarius season. If your mindset feels off, consider taking a trip, no matter how close or far, to get a different perspective. The Full Moon in Gemini is a good time for this.


December 2023, Holiscopes


October 2023, Holiscopes