December 2022, Holiscopes


In the last month of 2022, practical growth is ours to be embraced. Sagittarius season expands our horizons, encourages us to seek out the truth for ourselves, and trust in something greater than our everyday lives.

Neptune stations Direct in the sign of Pisces on the 4. Empathy increases, our intuition too, and glimmers of dreamy idealism can quickly slide into denial and delusion if we’re not careful. Luckily, grounded, practical Capricorn energy enters the cosmic cooperative first on the 6 when Mercury makes its way into the cardinal Earth sign, affording us a capacity to process information and communicate responsibly. Then on the 10, Venus, planet of relationships, values, and beauty, moves into Capricorn, seeking more seriousness and longevity in these areas of life.

The final Full Moon of the year arrives on the 8 in the sign of Gemini. Directly aligning with Retrograde Mars, this lunar conclusion is a bit more chaotic than usual, opening up possibilities of tension and discordance. Find healthy ways to release any anger or resentment to avoid taking things out on others.

Jupiter, the expansive planetary ruler of Sagittarius, makes its way into Aries on the 20. Here, we are emboldened to take risks and move forward in life, and may begin to see certain areas of life expand and evolve in a similar way to May to October of this year, when Jupiter was previously in Aries.

On the 21’s Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, Capricorn season begins. It’s a great time to remember your long-term goals, take responsibility for working towards them, and bring a sense of determination into 2023 and beyond!

2022 winds down with Mercury stationing retrograde in Capricorn on the 29, an opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months, especially themes that were significant to us at the beginning of the year.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Happy Solar Return! Keep deepening your relationship to self throughout your season. Neptune Direct in Pisces brings to light subtle changes that have been unfolding in your home life. The Gemini Full Moon could heighten emotions and disagreements in your closest relationships. Take a few breaths before you unleash regretful words. As Mercury and Venus move into Capricorn, your focus shifts to your finances and personal values. If you’ve been neglecting them, you may feel discouraged. Remember that Capricorn energy is about making things happen in the long term. With the season shift and the arrival of the New Moon, set intentions to take more responsibility here. Jupiter in Aries boosts your creativity and romantic life. Mercury Retrograde is an opportunity to review your thoughts about deserving abundance.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Continue to explore your spiritual side, Capricorn. Your values align and strengthen and feel like committing deeper to a spiritual practice on the 2. Your everyday life might feel in tension with your new discoveries of the unseen world. Doing some sort of detox or eating particularly anti-inflammatory foods around the Full Moon in Gemini would be beneficial, as well as letting excess energy out. The focus begins shifting to you once Mercury and Venus move into your sign. Think about how you value yourself. Right before your season officially starts, Jupiter in Aries boosts confidence in your innermost self, and improves your home life. On the New Moon in your sign, realign with your long-term goals. Mercury Retrograde asks — How do you speak to yourself? How do you self-represent to others?

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

What groups have you found yourself in this Sagittarius season? How has your future vision expanded, Aquarius? Your mind is drawn to spirituality once Mercury moves into Capricorn, and Venus in the Earth sign adds a sense of responsibility and selflessness to your relationships. On the Full Moon in Gemini, release any frustration with creative actions. Your innermost self brings forth electric spiritual insights on the 17. Jupiter in Aries boosts communication and expands your mind, opening you up to more possibilities in your immediate surroundings.. Capricorn season requires some solititude where you can get it. Carve out time on the New Moon for meditation and visualization of your 2023. Think about how you’ve been giving back to others during Mercury Retrograde.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Sagittarius season is here to remind you there are no limits to what you can achieve. Whatever you want to be known for is possible. Neptune Direct in your sign clears away confusion and puts you back in touch with your intuition. Mercury and Venus moving into Capricorn encourage you to be part of a group. Consider taking part in a circle of like-minded people where you discuss your long-term goals. Throughout Capricorn season, your focus is on your vision for humanity. As Jupiter in Aries boosts your physical abundance, on the New Moon in Capricorn, consider setting intentions for tangible ways you can make a difference over time. Mercury Retrograde emphasizes the ways you’ve contributed on a larger scale in the past.

Aries & Aries Rising

Tensions arise between expanding your horizons – journeying places you’ve never been before – and the demands of your immediate surroundings. This is highlighted on the Gemini Full Moon. Strike a balance between the two, Aries. Consider asking for guidance from something greater than you, especially once Neptune stations direct in Pisces. Mercury and Venus in Capricorn align your mind and values with your higher aspirations, while the season shifts your focus fully. What do you want to be known for and what are the steps to get there? Set intentions accordingly on the New Moon in Capricorn. Jupiter in your sign restarts a cycle of major growth in your life. Look out for new people and opportunities. Mercury Retrograde asks you to review your ambitions.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

As you explore the expansive depths of your soul, Taurus, consider reading the work of Carl Jung, or anything that will broaden your self-understanding. Stay grounded in reality and don’t get swept up too far in idealism once Neptune stations Direct. If you’ve been thinking about living abroad, Mercury in Capricorn may have new ideas for you. Capricorn season is a wonderful time to expand your mind and combine optimism for the future with practicality. Jupiter in Aries boosts your compassion. You may find a spiritual guide entering your life in the next few months. On the Capricorn New Moon, set intentions for receiving practical guidance on how you’re meant to grow. Mercury Retrograde is a time to reflect on places you wanted to visit as a child.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Sagittarius season is about exploring your 1 on 1 relationships. Which support your growth? With opposite Mars Retrograde, tensions may arise. Ensure that you’re taking full responsibility for the way you’re showing up. On the Full Moon in your sign, frustrations may be at their peak. Take some time to yourself to celebrate all the good in your life and physically move your body. As Capricorn energy moves in, you’re more inclined to spend your time with people who you can go deep with and deserve to be a part of your future. Your own psychological evolution is prioritized. Jupiter in Aries encourages you to be yourself as you work towards goals with others. On the New Moon, call in the resources you need to achieve them. Reflect on your inner depth during Mercury Retrograde.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Refine your routines and check in with your health this Sagittarius season. Forgive yourself for any ways you may have misspoken on the Full Moon in Gemini and don’t hold onto resentment — set gentle boundaries as needed. Once Mercury and Venus move into Capricorn, you’ll want to communicate with those closest to you and really show up for them. This season for you highlights the longevity and responsibility required in your 1 on 1 relationships. Use the New Moon to set intentions for long-lasting partnerships of any kind. Jupiter in Aries encourages you to move ahead in your career. Be fully seen as yourself, don’t hide, and gracefully receive all the compliments coming your way. Mercury Retrograde is a chance to review how deliberate your speech is with others.

Leo & Leo Rising

If you haven’t been having fun this Sagittarius season, now’s the time to make space for it, Leo! Create joyful moments for yourself before you go about your day. Play a word game with a group on the Full Moon in Gemini. Mercury and Venus and Capricorn reestablish a focus on your body and health. Can you make cooking and moving your body more fun? Jupiter in Aries expands your desire to learn. Follow your interests and expand your mind. Be open to travelling in the next few months. Capricorn season is about finding daily routines that will work for you long term. Don’t be afraid to experiment! Set the intention on the New Moon to commit to a few healthy habits for 21 days, and see how it goes! Mercury Retrograde may help you recall health tips that have served you in the past.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

How can better understanding your roots and family of origin lead to your expansion, Virgo? This is your Sagittarius season question. The Gemini Full Moon is a time to forgive yourself, especially when it comes to the way your career has unfolded. Remember that rejection is protection. As Mercury and Venus move to Capricorn, your creativity is enhanced, as well as your desire for a long-lasting romance. The season in general is a great time to commit to your self-expression – set intentions accordingly on the New Moon. Jupiter in Aries boosts your internal healing process and has you benefitting from a business partnership or others’ resources. During Mercury Retrograde, look back at your process in past creative projects to see what worked.

Libra & Libra Rising

Take note of the people you meet this Sagittarius season and observe how your network has expanded. For Capricorn season, those to whom you can reveal your innermost self will be most significant. As Mercury moves into the Earth sign, you’re considering what long-lasting home and family looks like to you. You may crave more cozy time once Venus is in Capricorn. The Full Moon in Gemini reminds you of all you’ve learned in the past 6 months. Jupiter in Aries builds up your close connections. Perhaps someone you’ve met recently is worth getting to know better. On the New Moon in Capricorn, set intentions for your vision of a place and people to call home. Mercury Retrograde is an opportunity to revisit your family history and explore your roots.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Is your mindset optimistic when it comes to your talents and ability to expand your resources? Something for you to ponder this Sagittarius season. Neptune Direct in Pisces provides creative inspiration if you make space for it. As Mercury and Venus move into Capricorn, your focus shifts to your immediate surroundings. Who around you can you rely on? How are you reliable to your neighbours? The Full Moon in Gemini may bring up deep-rooted anger. Ensure you find a safe way to let it out. Jupiter in Aries strengthens your health and makes daily life more enjoyable. Capricorn season reminds you of the importance of what’s around you. Set long-term intentions for how you want to experience your neighbourhood on the New Moon. Consider getting in touch with long-lost acquaintances during Mercury Retrograde.


January 2023, Holiscopes


November 2022, Holiscopes