5 ways to improve self-care


Self-care is more than treating yourself to a massage, facial or spa day. These are undoubtedly great examples of looking after yourself, but self-care is a consistent practice. It’s about taking time out for yourself on a regular basis, making a commitment to do us and expanding your self-care routine to nourish all levels of your being. 

Self-care is a way of nurturing, nourishing and revitalising you at a deeper level. Just like the Ora Circle’s 12 pillars of optimal health, self-care is multifaceted and there are many aspects to it. Here are 5 areas of self-care that deserve attention, as well as different methods of improving self-care in each area.

  • Physical body self-care

Looking after your body physically is so important and is an act of self-care. The body’s purpose is to take care of you and it works hard on your behalf. It’s constantly sending signals when something is out of sync or good for you. We feel these signals in times of uncertainty, discomfort, excitement, fearfulness and happiness. We must connect to the body and treat it with the love and attention it deserves. This involves eating a healthy, balanced diet, moving daily and getting enough sleep. Beyond these fundamentals, connecting to the body can also be achieved through relaxing activities such as massage, baths and acupuncture etc.

  • Emotional and mental wellbeing self-care

There are many tools for improving our mental and emotional states. These tools are vital self-care strategies that can help us cope, heal and live more consciously. Sometimes it can be triggering and deep work but setting a routine for it and exposing yourself to new things and people can help you reap rewards. Reframe your emotions and tap into them. It’s as important to cry as it is to laugh and love. Try out new hobbies, read books and travel to different places, even if it’s simply going to a different neighbourhood to explore. Learning how to manage stress and anxiety through different stress tactics is essential to self-care.

  • Spiritual self-care

Spiritual beliefs can activate positive thoughts and relieve stress - it’s a wonderful act of self-care. Mindfulness techniques can be integrated into your daily routine and don’t require a lot of time such as journaling, meditation and conscious breathing. Performing qigong and yoga  as well as walking in nature as movement for the mind-body can strengthen our inner connection. On top of this, the practices of gratitude and forgiveness are excellent self-care methods that declutter the mind. Create the time to just be.

  • Relationship self-care

Improving your relationship with yourself and others is an act of self-care that can enhance your wellbeing. The frequency and quality of time we spend with others is a key indicator of our happiness. When we realise this, we can learn to improve communication, resolve conflicts quickly and develop more accountability and deeper intimacy. The relationship we have with ourselves should not be overlooked either. Doing more acts of self-care for ourselves such as cooking, journaling and positive self-talk can assist. Set goals, celebrate your successes and do what’s meaningful to you. As important as it is to have alone time, spend time with friends and family too. Join a club or exercise class to meet people, interact with others as much as possible and communicate your wants and needs.

  • Work and career self-care

Acts of self-care apply to your work situation. When you feel uneasy at work, not only do you suffer but so does the quality of your work and it may impact your coworkers. Reassess your relationship with work. Set boundaries, career-focused goals and learn new skills. This will keep your brain stimulated and motivated. Support your coworkers and acknowledge your own successes and those of others. It’s all about engagement, teamwork and knowledge sharing. Most of all, take time off. These are methods to improve self-care.


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